Friday, May 30, 2008

evil little thing

You Are 22% Evil

A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well.

In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

squash crazed

eeee!! i need some squash, badly. crazy coach, endless killer practices, i miss it!!! haven't been playing since i moved here. that's like, 1, 2, no, 4 months! are u kidding me?? listening to friends who eat, drink and sleep squash makes me really wana get back. it was all planned, until dad said we're moving. now they couldn't find me a coach. heard my school has a team, hopefully they'd still accept new members. all i have to do is find the person in charge and pull a friend to make sure i'm not distracted. cos the court is in the all boys school across the street. not that i'm interested in any, but uh, who knows right?

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

sensitivity on high

i just realized how much sensitive i am. explanation? ok, last week, when Mrs. Junita was talking about how teens get pregnant and kill their babies, and abortions and stuff. i just got real mad. seriously, i sat there, hands crossed, stayed quiet and pissed off. i just had too much hate and rage towards those ppl. why the hell did they do it if they didnt want a baby? and havent they heard of protection? or menstruation cycle?? geez people. and um, other explanation, whenever my mom gets mad at my bro, i'd feel bad too. its like i feel wad ppl feel. this situation tho, i felt my mom's anger. then when ppl tell me abt their story, i get goosebumps and yeah, again, felt wad they felt. deep. i didnt know i was that deep. and dont get me started when i saw ppl torture the elephants on tv. it was my uncle's 18th birthday, so i tried to control myself. lol.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

her little question

when she said it
you've been seeing somebody
i almost said cool
but it wasn't
so i didn't
cant lie and say it didn't hurt
it did
but i broke you before
now it's just your turn
i deserve this
i'm not mad
at least she got a taste
wonder if this second chance will bring anything
will you choose her over me?
don't tell me if it'll scratch
i'll make sure my curiosity don't overload
all you have to do is
i don't know..

Friday, May 16, 2008

worst day ever

teachers day. here? 1 word; BLOWS! if you want the exact 3 words i used this morning? contact me in the dark. lol. i could get cursed for writing it here. people are looking. *pause* yeah, pretty sure they are. i kept wishing somebody would've shot me just now. just shoot me and don't stop, even after i drop dead. wow. intense. 8[
next time remind me not to go whenever these things come up in the future. the place is a torture chamber. but i cant switch schools now can i? i wanna go back Miri and see everyone!!! watch out you guys, i think i'd ask my dad to bring us there during the hols :D :D :D

Thursday, May 15, 2008

white houses

cluelessly abnormal

this is not normal. i got extremely hyper today. and i mean extremely. like i never was. is that supposed to happen after somebody breaks your heart? i am so weird. i talked endlessly, losing my breath. when Michelle asked me to name 3 of my favorite animals, i was like "i like pandas and i like polar bears and i like dolphins and and i like..." now imagine that going real fast and some short breaths added in. totally enthusiastic. if you cant imagine that, i can tape it for you. i still have that same energy right now. lol. if you were some energy-hate freak, you'd totally bash me with a table or something. but i'd still be hoping up and down like a silly rabbit tho. i even asked the girls if it was normal. here's what they said.
Michelle: we all have different ways of handling things (her crazy smile carving)
Rachel: shut up. get hyped! (squeezing her bottle)

you are one

you act like a saint in front of everybody
in their eyes you're the gorgeous thing
they don't know what you told me
they don't know what's inside of you
well, whats in there is ugly
yeah, get it right. ugly.
in your head i'm in love with you.
in your head i want you.
just using it against you.
how does it feel?
in your heart you want me.
in your heart you tell yourself you could.
you're right, you could.
and now you cant.
it's so easy to pretend i wasn't the one who said it.
just like how easy it was for you.
say you don't know who you are.
say you're confused.
i'll show you. i'll lead the way.
you're fake.
you're not a saint.
not even close.
do you know what i hate?
two-faced dicks.
you are one.

your secret's out

don't put on that pathetic face
don't act like you're the victim
maybe to her you are
but to be honest, i think differently
you wanted her to break you
you wanted her to cheat
you wanted her to do wrong
but you still stand there
all of it only to paint one picture
just perfect to cover yourself
make everyone say you're virtuous
make everyone think you're vindicated
but can you vaunt without guilt?
remember the piece you made
with it you think you're adroid
as no one knew your secret
but i do
and i will show it to the world on a sixpence
watch me

Sunday, May 11, 2008

red passion

Your Passion is Red!
You've got that spark - a good dose of intensity, power, and determination.
You do whatever you want in life ... to hell with what anyone thinks!
With so many interests and loves, you're always running around doing something new.
You have fire in your eyes, and it shows. Bet you're even wearing something red!

extremely sensitive?

Your Sensitivity Score: 65%

You are a highly sensitive person. Pretty much everything effects you.
You are tuned into the vibe around you, and someone's bad mood can bring you down.
But you also easily share in someone's joy - whether you know them or not.

take me away

My heart beats for you, no other man.
You died for me.
Who else would do that?
You are what I call love.
You are what I call the world.
You came to save me.
Now i would really live.
You're a saviour.
I promise, to live this life given to me.
I promise.
When my last breath leaves me,
I will run to you.
To be with you forever.
I love you.

witness her only weakness

he makes her icy heart melt.
never has it been.
she fell hard and he was ready to catch her.
his eyes are rays of bright lights, his face a beaming with glow.
no longer blind in a black hole, no more feeling lost in a dark soul.
her wounds are healed, her scars recover.
his arms holding her safe.
couldn't call him a saviour.
he's a striker in the team. Not a keeper.
he could catch any shot.
but willingly, make the ultimate goal for her.
could this be true?
or is it just a dream?
maybe he made it.
after all, she had always been dreaming her way through.
waiting to be told it's real.
this could only get better.
whisper silently.
don't wake her.

5th May 2008

she's a heart breaker, in the most clueless way
you'd never believe her.
she shoots back at stares, keeps you staring
just don't trip.
she sets the bar up high
wont say hi until you impress her.
they all want her
no one wants her to know
but she knows.
she'll play pretend,
give only less till you confess.
she's not a tease,
not a flirt,
not even close.
she's just a heart breaker
whose heart is yet to burst.

For Starters

ok, so lately ive been weirdly inspired to write things u call poems. lol. i guess that big fall got to me. my bum must have suffered a trauma. i was tripping over the stairs and laughed at myself, it popped question marks on everybody's face. anyways, the next and coming posts would be those things i came up with. enjoy!

Power Color

Your Power Color Is Magenta

At Your Highest:

You energize yourself and push others to succeed.

At Your Lowest:

You feel frustrated and totally overwhelmed.

In Love:

You are surprised by who you attract. You're a love magnet.

How You're Attractive:

Open and free spirited, people want to explore the world with you.

Your Eternal Question:

"What is my next source of inspiration?"