Tuesday, May 27, 2008

sensitivity on high

i just realized how much sensitive i am. explanation? ok, last week, when Mrs. Junita was talking about how teens get pregnant and kill their babies, and abortions and stuff. i just got real mad. seriously, i sat there, hands crossed, stayed quiet and pissed off. i just had too much hate and rage towards those ppl. why the hell did they do it if they didnt want a baby? and havent they heard of protection? or menstruation cycle?? geez people. and um, other explanation, whenever my mom gets mad at my bro, i'd feel bad too. its like i feel wad ppl feel. this situation tho, i felt my mom's anger. then when ppl tell me abt their story, i get goosebumps and yeah, again, felt wad they felt. deep. i didnt know i was that deep. and dont get me started when i saw ppl torture the elephants on tv. it was my uncle's 18th birthday, so i tried to control myself. lol.


  1. squasher must at least be steady and cool down.. ^^ u can make it well, ganbate.

  2. whoa hold it. how'd u know im a squasher?
