Saturday, July 25, 2009

Random Acts

Sheryl and I acted out a scene in Titanic. You know, the part where Jack was slipping away and Rose was trying to grab a hold of him. Sheryl was Jack. I'm Rose. Oh the drama. We tickled Michelle in the process. That weird girl has got some serious issues with her back.

I ran to the front during Moral. Hanged out with Sara, Pam and Mei Mei. Trash talked cows. I mean, lembus.

Sara: Last time during BM, the teacher asked us to fill in the blank. "Lembu itu dot dot dot di jalan raya." You know, this one guy said "Lembu itu terbabas di jalan raya."
Pam and I: *Lost 300 calories from laughing*
Mei Mei: Eh how the lembu look like if tepelanting ah? Lembu itu tepelanting di jalan raya.
Pam and I: *Lost another 300 calories*
Mei Mei: ...kerana terpijak kulit pisang.
Me: I cant breathe!
Pam: Mei Mei, so bad!
Mei: Then the susu terpancit keluar because got too much carbon dioxide.
Sara: Aiyo, you study Science for all the wrong reasons!

Mei Mei was drinking Vitagen. She was enjoying herself. I looked at the bottle...

Me: Expiry date, 12 August 2009.
Mei Mei: Ah? June la.
Sara: You butak ka? 08 is August la!
Me: Pam, she drink susu expired that's why she like this.
Pam: Susu from lembu cacat one.
Sara: Mei Mei membabaskan the lembu so she can get the susu!
Pam: Membabaskan? Where got such word!
Sara: I make myself wan la.
Me: Purple colour oh the susu.
Mei Mei: Because the lembu terbabas ma. The face blue black wan. Picit the nenen, the susu keluar purple colour la. *acts like she's milking the cow* Psssshh! Psssshhh!

Seriously, I didnt think this little girl was gonna be so random xD

Thursday, July 23, 2009

how random is this

If I were to have a celebrity girlfriend, it would be...

a.k.a. Erin Silver in 90210. Yes! I love her.

I know, Megan Fox is hot. But hey, I dont think I can handle her. Come on, Shia's got her in Transformers. Like, what, how many times?

Sides, the whole Bipolar thing Jess had as Silver (in 90210), was smokin. I dont know who can still look gorgeous with eyeliner dripping all over her face. I've got a thing for messed up people :)

Oh, and piercing, mysterious blue eyes! Not just any blue, Silver blue.

I love her rockin style, too.

Because she is so not your typical girly girl in cute dresses.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

rest a day, work another

Whoot! We got no school tomorrow. Well, for the lucky ones at least. Like me! :D And Michelle, Ray, Oreo, Pamster, Flowerface, pretty much our entire crew. Heheh we are supa awesome possum.

But here's the catch, we gotta go on Saturday. No studying though! Food and Fun Fair. Another overrated event the school throws to get money. Ridiculous; the whole argument over "who's gonna take care of the stall at this time or that?" the class had today.

We were in our own world, as always. Michelle was bangin bongos made of my Tupperware, a big recycling box and the tripod stand. My blue pens were her drumsticks. She was having a concert, pretended to be Swedish and apek at the same time. Ray and Flowerface were the groupies cheering for her. And I was her manager, doing History assignments. Was totally distracted.

There were lots and I mean, LOTS of shouting from that rockstar. Aaaand, she had her own press conference.

I've got one word,
