Friday, October 30, 2009

Char Kueh Tiaw Remedy

First and foremost, I'd like to take this moment to thank our Father in heaven and my biological daddy, for not taking the modem along with him while he goes traveling around Miri. I would've dropped on the floor and shape-shift if I couldnt go online for two whole weeks and Teng tells me that my farm animals have died. Good thing there's no such thing as 'death' in the game.

Teachers stopped teaching since Monday. So we were constantly apek-ing around in class. Dont get me started.

We were in the Biology lab today and Pucheng (Michelle) was giving Ah Faas (Sara) the Apek Liscence Test. Ray was writing something, I thought she had to retake the test, since she failed yesterday. Haha! Teng was reading Sara's book, the one she stole from her, as always... Sheryl was reading a pretty morbid book, it made her stomach twist but she kept on reading anyway. I rested my head on the table and I felt like puking.

This happens whenever I'm hungry.

I was craving for Kueh Tiaw goreng. That was very apek of me... And then I thought to myself, "You know what would taste nicer? What? Char Kueh Tiaw! OHHH!!!"

The last time I had an awesome char kueh tiaw was when Teng brought some to school. So I asked her where the shop was.

She drew me a map.

I couldnt wait for my mom to pick me up from school and tell her, "Mummy! I want char kueh tiaw!"

Oh, the joy! We found the place. But sadly, the guy told us, "Char kueh finish already"

So we ended up eating kueh tiaw goreng. My original choice. Aiya, never got to feed the char kueh tiaw monster in me... ("-.-)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Going Wolf

Aouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu !

So I went wolf hunting. Here's the cast for the New Moon wolf pack.
Brace yourselves!

(from the left) Paul, Sam Uley, Jared and Embry.

Nope, Quil is not in this poster. Or any other wolf pack poster for all that matters. Probably cos he doesnt have the body, but it's okay, Quil. You can stay on the side and cheer.

Leader of the pack and the so called Alpha; Sam Uley
Played by Chaske Spencer

The mean and bad-tempered Paul
Played by Alex Meraz

Hot, aye. Like wtf right? I used to hate Paul for being mean to Jake but heck, I change my mind.

The other big guy; Jared.
Played by Bronson Pelletier

Jake's bestfriend and the new comer; Embry
Played by Kiowa Gordon

Another one of Jake's man; Quil
Played by Tyson Houseman

G-g-g-g-gotta watch this ! (unless if you dont like spoilers)

Sweating Bullets

My heart stopped pounding...
Air wouldnt get into my lungs...
Oxygen wont mix with haemoglobins...

What the nerd?


I opened up yahoo and this was on the screen

*gasp for air like a loony*

And then...

When I clicked on "Scene from New Moon"

This was on...

Shit, Jake, you are wayyyy too hot for this.




Oh, dont glare at me like that. You're driving me insane !

Like I wasnt already...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

skaters, not hooligans

Almost everyone think of skaters as major punks who don't give a shit about anything except tearing up places. You see someone on a skateboard or just walk with a skateboard, you think, "Oh, he's up to no good. Get security. Get security quick!"

Come on, get it straight. Skaters skate cos they love it. Why would you bust a skater and not a cyclist? They're both practically doing the same thing. Just cruising around. Just because it's on a simple board with wheels and it wasn't created by Baron von Drais, doesnt mean it's harmful.

It's harmful to us, of course. We're the ones that fall and scrape our knees. But it as heck isnt harmful to anyone else. So why the stress?

Anyway, to all Malaysian skaters out there. There's a Cancer Awareness you can skate for. Check this out. Go to

And to everyone.

Still think skaters are hooligans?

Monday, October 19, 2009

Baby Yayo Pondan

So I've been living with a sissy cat. He belongs to my sister. He initially was my dad's birthday present but Yayo doesnt like daddy one bit.

Because of my sister, and my missing fat cat, Milkyway, Yayo is officially spoiled. He's so demanding. Meow this, meow that. And his meowing is so pondan!

He sits anywhere he likes. He pees on anything he likes. Like my EST textbook! It was right in front of my eyes.

Michelle: You know, I always thought Galileo was some kind of God or something. But no, turns out he's a genius mathematician.
Me: No, he's a cat. My cat. Yayo's real name is Galileo. Yayo is his nickname.
Michelle: Why the hell did you name your cat after a mathematician?!

Yeah... dont ask me. It was my dad's idea. All our cats got their names from my genius dad.

I miss Milk so much. He was the best pillow ever.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Amazing Parodies (I'm dead serious)

So I was on youtube, converting hard-to-find songs to audio and downloading them. Came across Punk Goes Pop. Dude, these bands make the original versions sound like cow dung.

Mayday Parade sound a hell lot sexier than the PussyCat Dolls. Haha!

I'm not that big a fan of screamo bands, but hey, Alesana is awesome!

August Burns Red makes Britney Spears sound like a fag. This is just hilarious if you think about it!

A Static Lullaby's insanely dead amazing version of Toxic! It's a threat, Britney...

If your mind works the same way mine does, go check out some more Punk Goes Pop. You'll find all the awesome bands the 'world' dont have time to listen to.