We were such dorks. You made me laugh so much and you made me so happy. Months go by and we have fights every now and then. But you never walked away. You stayed and we always talk things out. And every 19th we would fall in love with each other all over again. The sea kept us away from each other during holidays, but we stayed up all night talking and slept all day.
We dreamed together. We talked about our future. We built our house together and we furnished each of the rooms. We put so much of your Coke in the fridge and I wanted space for my soybean milk and yoghurt drinks. You wouldn't let me have a microwave because you said it would be bad for our brains. But I won that argument. We're getting a microwave!

We talked about our children. What kind of a father you would be. And how I would discipline our kids. How we would let them have amazing childhood.
A few nights ago, we made one year. You gave me an evening of laughs and grins despite having final exams on my birthday. And lastnight we both agreed, that we are our own favourite couple. How could I not love us? I really can't imagine being with anyone else.
You're the only person who can make me laugh until I can't breathe. The only person who can make me feel beautiful. The only person who can make me feel safe and loved.
I love you with all my heart, Lee Jing Yie.
I can't wait to spend forever with you.