Wednesday, September 15, 2010

New Discoveries

Hello :) It's past my bed time. Well, when it's the holiday, do I need bed time? Okay, dont answer that question. I do. My eyes were heavy earlier but my brain is too active to fall asleep now. No, wait, the brain never sleeps. Ah, too much information. Anyway, here are things I've discovered along the way.

>> My entire life I believed my childhood friend was the same age as I was. Turns out, she's a year younger. I thought everyone thought the same way and this was an interesting discovery, but when I told my mum, guess what. "Yeah, she's the same age as Kavan." I cant believe mummy! But anyway, this discovery doesnt change a single way I feel about her. She's really cool :)

>> Melinda Fiona loves to distract herself during Addmath and blames me for it. But the night always ends up with me being the last to finish. Mel, this is how much I love you; I let you bug me for two hours and let you leave me with a calculator down my throat all alone. Heehee, I love addmath! :D

>> My driving instructor is pretty racist. He's very funny, though! You know some say, "when an Iban curses, there's nothing like it." Well, I've discovered the truth in that phrase.

>> I've lost a disgusting amount of weight. No, I'm not the kind of girl who checks her weight all the time and no, I dont like losing weight. It's hard to gain it back. I want it back. I miss having trouble putting on my favorite pair of jeans. Plus, it's no fun having to pull up your pants every 5 minutes (and I dont want new pants).

There are tons more stuff I'd like to post about, but I refuse to remember them right now. So, yes, I'm going to leave you there. Smell you later, stalker.

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