Monday, May 30, 2011

ello gov'na!

Hello, everyone! I know I haven't updated in ages. Trust me, I've been planning to. I just never had the time. Since it's the Gawai holiday and I'm back to being "unemployed", I shall take this opportunity to blog.

I started taking Form 6 in St. Joseph's (all boys) School in April. I'm in the Biology group. So, I have five STPM subjects; Biology, Chemistry, Math T, PA and MUET. I know people think Form6 is like rocket science, but trust me, enjoy it, embrace it, work like you've never worked before and you won't think it's that much of a death-defying programme. It's a tad bit challenging, yeah. It is a pre-uni programme after all. People tend to treat it like it's high school so it can turn into a huge blow.

I'm enjoying myself. I really love it. My teachers are great, my classmates are great. The guys are such gentlemen, they're very protective over us girls, considering all the other boys in the school don't know how to behave themselves. My time in Form6 might be temporary though. I'm waiting for the IPTA appeal results. Hoping I'd get into uni instead. Don't know if I can leave Form6 now that it's starting to grow on me...

On the 16th, I had my operation. I was fully conscious when they poked those long needles into my back. It was nice though, being able to see my doctor at work in the operation theater. He was so relaxed, joking around. The radio was on so I got through the operation "Like a G-6". Hahaha! I haven't felt the sharp pain ever since. I'm guessing it worked? :D

Anyway, it's the holiday and oh how weird it feels. Throughout the whole few weeks I was in Lower 6, I've been working so hard, going back late and crashing on the bed like a lifeless rag doll at the end of each day. I love that, don't get me wrong. I'm a workaholic, so I enjoyed every bit of it. When the holiday first started, I felt all weird not having things to do, things to write or things to read, so I've been sleeping much longer than an average person does. I'm above average, as Jack would put it. Haha! I'm going to stop here, I need to eat something. Have a lovely day and God bless!

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