Thursday, December 8, 2011

challenge accepted

I'm not the kind of person who gets self conscious about her body. As a matter of fact, I love my body. I wouldn't trade it with anyone else.

I'm grateful that I have a high metabolism rate. I can't get fat, but I lose weight easily. Now that's the frustrating part; losing weight when you're already underweight to begin with!

I keep losing weight lately and I'm not happy about that. Last Sunday, when putting on my skinny jeans, I realized they've gotten a little loose. They used to be perfectly fit, but now they're loose. My skinny jeans, mind you! I don't want my legs to look like sate sticks.

Which explains why I am currently on a weight gain challenge. I'm eating 3 to 4 meals a day, with snacks in between. Never will I let myself skip any dinner. I don't care if I'm "not in the mood to eat", or if I'm "not hungry yet", I will chow everything down.

I thank God for Reyna and her roommate for never listening to me whenever I say, "The rice is too much". They force me to eat it anyway. I'm not allowed to leave any rice on the plate.

I don't over-eat, of course. If I ever do, please know that it was an act of forced gluttony, not by choice.

Now the reason I'm taking this weight gain challenge is because I want to keep at a healthy weight. It's really scary when looking at the scales and seeing the numbers less than 40 kg. I just know that it's not healthy and I certainly don't want to be anorexic.

I guess my main goal is to finally reach a normal BMI. I've been underweight for my entire lifetime, I think it's time I stop being lazy and start eating more. And never be called a starving African kid again. (yes, my mum's colleague actually said that)

My response to Jia Ahn when he brought up obesity

Here's to gaining weight! (healthily)

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