Thursday, December 1, 2011

chillin like a villain

The week is almost over! And it's a bitter-sweet feeling.

One, I'm excited for the weekends, because I don't have to wake up early. Well, except on Sunday, where I'll be going to church. But I love going to church. It's like an adventure. Crossing the busy road with a bunch of UPM students. Hearing screams on every side. Haha..

And on the other hand, I'm a little nervous about Bakti Siswa. What's Mr. Hakim going to make us do? With all the things he's made Zura and I pick up from HEP. Plus, I haven't got to know my buddy yet. All I know is his name, what course he's studying and the fact that he's not exactly from here. I think?

I still have not decided on the three 'important' things I would bring, either!

Oh, well. Let whatever happen, happen. Not like it's the end of the world, yes?

Anyway, I've been pretty sneaky, observing people lately. It's really fun, I have to admit. Look at what I snapped with my phone the other day!

The row of bums behind me

Hilman, the tired grim reaper

Yeah, I listen to music during talks and keep myself entertained by taking pictures of people sleeping. So watch your backs, guys. The next time you fall asleep around me, your face will be here. It's kind of a sport I play...

Since I can't play real sports.

Oh I miss my doggie, Castro! Pray for this brown fella, he's sick.

Please, get better, my big boy.
And don't you dare leave the house compound again!
I will send you for castration if you do.
That's a promise.

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