Saturday, January 7, 2012

in all its glory

Know what I've been up to since the Christmas holiday? Watching and reading about the apocalypse. How ironic is it that it's the year 2012 now?

Season 5 of Supernatural. Yeah, you know that one. Sam and Dean were both vessels for Lucifer and Michael. The Four Horsemen are slowly popping up one by one. It's pretty amusing, actually. The red horseman came in a red mustang. When the third horseman, Famine, arrived, people weren't lacking food, but were hungry, famished, if you must. They'd eat to their deaths. And then the horseman would eat their souls. I've seen all four horsemen, and the way these series twisted the story is just, wow, creative in all dimensions.

And the book I'm reading? Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. I can't even begin to express my love for Neil Gaiman. He's just an amazing author. I'd read all his books and die of laughter. But anyway, back to the book, it is seriously good. Gave me an insight on what it's like on the other side; you know, the dark side. The demon Crowley is funny, (though, in Supernatural, I hated him and his freakin large ego). Then there's the angel, Aziraphale. He's hilariously annoying when he's drunk. Yeah, angels and demons drink on Earth.

Okay, now you're probably wondering why I think it's all amusing, this whole end-of-the-world thing. Well, it's all work of fiction. Besides, I'm alive now and I'm making the best of it. Like I said before, I don't wanna live in the past or the future. So right now, I'm having a ball of a time. Why get scared over something that hasn't happened yet? Take a break from your fears.

Plus, you should've known a long time ago, I've got some pretty morbid thoughts roaming around in this pretty little head of mine.

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