Saturday, May 22, 2010

confessions of a dreamer

They say dreams are only for those who are asleep
I must ask;
What about those who are awake?
What do they do?
They regret, don't they?

I don't want to live in hypocrisy
like the rest of the world
who grow up to hate their lives,
who walk around complaining about their pathetic jobs,
who regret the things they have and have not done
When they were younger,
when they still had time and hope;
slowly slipping and losing grip
But are now too late to gain

I believe life is only as hard as you let it be.
Fight and you will fly,
surrender and you are damned

I wanna save the sick and the homeless,
The weak and the hopeless

I wanna save the animals and trees,
The generation,
The future.

Let the world face no evolution
Let the world face no disaster
I wanna save everyone and everything,

I am too strong of a fighter,
Too big of a dreamer
I have too much to offer
and I will never take no for an answer

Mock me if you must,
But when all hell breaks loose,
I know what I wouldn't be.
I won't be the one crying and falling.
I won't be the one who brought misery to herself.

My battle scars may never fade,
But at least I can live and die
with no regrets.

I actually wrote this last year for a poem writing competition in school. Honestly, I never planned to post it online because it was written in such an angry state (personal issues). But since I decided to have it submitted to the school's magazine this year, I thought "Oh well, there's no harm in posting it on my blog since everyone's gonna read it one way or the other". Besides, my Miri bestfriend have not read it yet ;D

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