Monday, July 25, 2011

dreaming with my eyes open

Hello, everyone. I'm baaaack! Hehe. So glad to be home. Having my mid sem break now. I can't tell you how much I've missed mum's cooking. They're just heavenly! And the evening tea time we usually have as a family? Oh, miss that too!

So I've been gone for about a month. Uni life is an entirely different world but is exciting nevertheless. I love my campus. It's huge and they've got all kinds of animals there. There were cows, goats, chickens, ducks, rabbits, deers and even ostriches! It really is a nature freaks haven. I got to feed the deers and touch them! ><

There isn't much to do for fun in Bintulu, though. It's a small and simple place. I don't go out that often, only when I need to stock up some food or have something non-halal. It's a necessity, my friend ;)

But do I like it there? Yes. I really do. I couldn't ask for anything more. My studies are going well. We just had our first test two weeks ago. My results literally blew my mind! I'm so happy! Although one paper did upset me (Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia), but I won't let that affect me in any way. I've still got time, right?

The people are great too. Met all kinds of people from all over Malaysia. Some are uptight, others are cool. Some are just plain crazy but I don't mind. I get along just fine. And I thank God my seniors are amazing!

The weather in Bintulu is fine. It sure doesn't get any hotter than Kuching! I've gotten a little darker, though. I've got field work every week, planting tiny trees under the hot scorching sun. It's a good thing I came prepared, with sunblock, hats and rubber boots and all. No point looking glamorous in the mud!

I've got two semesters of just basic (and some unnecessary) subjects. I really can't wait to get into the third semester! My seniors assured us that it would be extra-exciting, especially if you truly want to be a vet. Gah, my spine is tingling already!

I'm certain that I've made the right choice by leaving Form 6 and going into UPM. I'm chasing my dream and every step so far has been great! I still can't believe how blessed I am. Thank You so much, Father! You can be sure this isn't the last "Thank You" You'll hear from me.

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