Saturday, March 3, 2012

more than I could chew

A lot has happened to me in the course of a month!

I swear, February was the craziest throughout this whole semester. We were busy from the first February minute up until its last.

I think the first thing was the DKHP Farewell Dinner for our seniors. We slept at 4am almost every night and worked our butts to the bones to make sure they're happy. There was a problem at first; they didn't think we could make it work, just because we failed to book the hall, which our cheapskate dean refused to give all in the name of high electricity bills. It's ridiculous, really, but our event was a great success. The best part was when our seniors apologized and expressed their gratitude to us at the end of the night. That just made everything worthwhile :)

And then there was my Bakti Siswa trip to SMV Miri. Wow! The memories I made there. Again, I was deprived of sleep and had to run around constantly. I was extremely tired and my back was literally killing me, but I had the time of my life. The students in SMV were so hyper and naughty. They were hard to handle, but we handled them swiftly! :D I really admire Ifah. She's amazing with those kids. They just love her.

The one thing I can never forget about that program is that night when one of the students had hysteria. It was my first encounter and thank God I didn't freak out! I have to admit though, the amount of goosebumps that attacked my whole face that moment was countless and insane in all dimensions! The most amazing moment was when everyone left the hall, gathered at the canteen, sat together and prayed. Muslims and Christians and all, prayed together that night. It really made me smile.

Then there was the Maulidur Rasul event in campus, our ongoing sports event, Piala Dekan and our Sukan Uniputra. Everything was stuffed into one whole month! Don't even get me started with our endless tests, presentations and assignments.

My block's super cool flag for Uniputra!

But all is well here! I just completed my MUET today. :D

Now I've come to my study week and our finals will be over by March 20th. Then, I'll be on the plane back home for three whole months! I really can't wait for this long semester break.

My beloved trolls! A little burnt from the sports event.

We'll be coming back as sophomores ! (Haha that sounded like smores if you say it out loud) Yummy.

Anyway, I'm gonna go and play in the rain now. Keep spreading love like fire! <3

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