Tuesday, March 6, 2012

only God is to judge us

If there's one principle I always keep in mind, it's this;

God will judge you the same way you judge others.

As hard, and almost as impossible as this may sound, I always go on my days stopping myself from trying to past judgment. I don't throw first impressions around, unless that someone really stands out. Even so, I'd want to know a person better before I start thinking up adjectives for them.

This got me thinking when my friends told me what they first thought about me. Most of everyone's first impression on me was that I was stuck-up and too serious. Now that they know me, they'd say, "Mana la I tahu you ni gila sangat sampai cam ni!"

Haha! I guess I cover my dorky side a little too well with this I'm-gonna-stomp-on-you look I inherit from my parents. But you can't blame me for having a serious face, can you? I'd smile 24/7 but that would probably end up with me losing control of my normal facial expressions.

Anyway, enough about me. The bigger problem here is the way people look at my coursemates, as DKHPians.

If you ask around and say, "Budak DKHP", you'd hear lots of negative stuff.

"Budak DKHP semua kaya, semua pakat nak glamor."
"Budak DKHP semua sombong."
"Budak DKHP tak layan orang."

I really don't know what the past DKHPians have done, but you can't judge us for something we didn't do. People tend to look at us as if we all came out of the same messed up factory. We've even had lecturers passing judgments on us the first day they met us!

Must I constantly point out that not all DKHP students are the same? As a matter of fact, no one is the same!

Most of my coursemates know all the mean things people say about our course. It does hurt, how people think you're a bad person when you're actually innocent, but we don't act out on it. We take it and we shove it to the side like it was trash, because that's what false judgments really are; useless trash.

But what about those of us who aren't strong enough to deal with these negative stuff? Everyone needs to know one thing;

Your words can be the cause of someone's depression.

So stop saying these things like you know us too well. Stop saying anything about anyone you don't even know!

Think back to all those moments you judge people, whether your judgments are true or not. Now imagine yourself being judged the same way, but this time, by GOD.

Do you think you deserve every bit of it?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god this is so true! I like your post, pipip! :D Anyway, let them say what they want, I'm still proud to be a DKHPian :)))) heee!
