Wednesday, April 18, 2012

for the long haul

In the very beginning, you sensed I'm a loyal person. You're right, I am. So I beg you, please don't think about me leaving you. You mean to me as much as I mean to you. And that is too much.

It is intense, to think I've found someone perfect this early. But I know it's not impossible. We both know God has a reason for everything. We can only find out when we're dead but we're a long way from death, aren't we, my love?

And it doesn't freak me out that you're serious. It doesn't freak me out that our relationship is getting serious. Because I'm serious too. I always meant to be serious. If I didn't, I wouldn't even take the plunge. We wouldn't even be together if all I wanted was to have temporary fun.

I'm happy. I was thrilled when I realised I got to chase my biggest dream; to save animals. I've finally found happiness. Then you came along, swept me off my feet, and you know what? My happiness just went up a thousand notch! And it's not going down.

Everything is finally falling into place. I'll always tell you, that you're everything I've always wanted in a man, because you really are. You're worth the wait. And I hope I'm worth it for you too.

We're perfect. I can never get tired of saying that. If we ever find flaws, I'm sure they're tiny and we can fix them together. It's still the beginning, but I'm in this for the long haul.

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