Friday, April 3, 2009

12.15 p.m. Thursday 02.04.09

I seriously, like Michelle kind of serious, need to get my ears checked. Or get a hearing aid! It happened twice today. Words transmitted into my brain were so not the same words that were actually said.

In Chemistry, Alfonso was talking about chemical names. He was listing them all out according to our textbook. And then he said something...
Me: Whoa!
Ray: What?
Me: Did he just say "Moron" ?
Ray: No! It's BORON.

If you think that was crazily transmitted, then you should've been there when this happened.
In PK, the Dragon was asking the girls what we should do for the coming PJ session.
Me: What a pervert!
Ray: What?
Me: Didnt you hear him? He said, "Breast for one day?"
Ray: *laughed at me* Phoby! You stupik girl! He said "Rest" not "Breast". You horny!

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