Friday, April 24, 2009

being on the dark side sucks, they dont got cookies.

They lied! Cookie Monster (I cant believe this) lied about the whole thing. You know, when he's on someone's t-shirt and he says, "Come to the dark side. We have cookies."

Well, they dont. I've been there. I think I'm still there. And they still dont got cookies!

Yeah I know I havent been blogging for a while. I lost my phone about two weeks ago. It was heartbreaking. And I dont wana talk about it!

So, anyways, since then, I've been sitting in the dark. I've no idea at all what's going on with my friends in Miri. Specifically, those I text a lot. And it sucks not being able to tell them right on whatever was happening. Dad offered his phone so I could use it. I said no. I'd rather not have a phone at all than to have one and remind myself of what happened to mine.

Shut up, you emo kid. Now let me get to my story. Weird things are striking:
One, she said she likes me =S
Two, I've been biting my tongue a lot xP
Three, something happened to him :(

Lets get to the first topic, shall we? Ok, it was addmath. Screamo was...well, screaming (as always) while we were discussing the answers for the exercises she gave us. She asked the class for their answers. It was chaos in there. I was between Ray and Theresa and they were fussing about something. And then Screamo went, "Phoebe, what is your answer?" I stood up and told her, "I havent finished number 10 yet" and sat back down. She nodded and was saying something. I wasnt listening at all. Theresa turned to me and she was like,
"She likes you."
"What? Who?"
"The teacher"
"What? What did she say?"
"She said, I like you."
Okay, yeah, that was just plain weird. Have she not noticed that I get headaches whenever she's around? And my face doesnt look happy at all? Oh, geez. I need to master these skills.

Number two. I've been biting my tongue a lot. The first time it happened, Ray told me that somebody's bitching about me. I thought it was one of her crazy theories. We tried putting that to test.
Ray: Let's make Michelle bite her tongue. Talk bad about her!
Me: What? Okay. *turns to Michelle* Michelle, you suck!
Ray: No, not to her! Behind her! Talk to me.

We tried saying so many bad things about her. It didnt work, she didnt bite her tongue. Most of the things we said about her...okay, all the things we said didnt make sense at all. I guess that explains why she didnt bite her tongue. Anyhoots! This week, I've bitten my tongue for three times already! You, whoever you are, walking around with your friggin butt talking smack about me, just you wait. You're gonna rott in hell for all my bleeding tongue cares. Only God knows who you are. And He will take action.

Number three. Him. Yeah, him. Whom I almost tried to dismiss. I stopped thinking about him. I thought I was just getting over him. Which doesnt happen often when it comes to me and my crushing-on-a-guy thing. It was on the exact same day I told Ray about this when somebody told me something bad happened to him. Well, this somebody teases me a lot. So it was Chemistry and she calls me by his name. I was sleepy and I stopped thinking about him, right? So I stuck my tongue at her. Then she went, "Oh! I forgot to tell you..." And from then on, I kept worrying about him. I still am! I thought it couldnt be that serious but today I asked her if he was still in the hospital, she said yeah. Whaaaaaaatttt??? Oh, dear, God, please watch over that boy... =(

1 comment:

  1. who's the girl that told u about him being in the hospital?
