Friday, May 22, 2009

to skater haters

We hanged out at Michelle's again last Wednesday to do our PSK project. Its taking forever to finish. Hah! We were so distracted. Brought my Element board with me.

Michelle: Hey, it's 4 o'clock I wanna go out and skate.
Phoebe: No, wait till it's 4.30. I always skate after 4.30 cos that's when
you won't get
skin cancer.
Michelle: Really?
Phoebe: Yeah.
Michelle: Is it like a proven fact?
Phoebe: Yeah. I'm like a skater who actually cares about her skin.

So we continued with the project until it was time to get out and be free from skin cancer! Haha! Walked to the playground and duuuude, there were two skating rings there, man. I let Ray use my board. She and Michelle skated down the slopes. Pam and Theresa played with the see-saw. I played with the swings. Ohh I miss kiddy playgrounds. Rules should so be f*cked, man. What's up with the whole, "Only for children aged 12 and below". Screw it I'm forever young. Especially with my summer hair. Bahahah! I love The Academy Is xD falling out of topic here...

Anyhoots, people were friggin staring at us walkin around with skateboards in our arms. It's like, "Holy shit, these hooligans are gonna kill us." Like wtf?! The place is filled with kids who smoke and ride bikes like superman tryina save kittens stuck in trees only to rape them. People should stop being so narrow minded. They're always thinking, "If it rides a skateboard, it's evil." Oh come on. What about Marilyn Manson? He's evil. He wears make-up.

What would you do if I say,

"If it wears make-up, it's evil"

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Davie down, Jenni and Aleen to go!

I'm using my sister's laptop and finally, I get to use MSN. Davie was the first person to chat with me. He was all hyped. We screamed I MISS YOUU LIKE SOOO MUCH and yeah, Davie's awesome like that, he doesnt act all cool. Random conversations...

Dave: my cam :)
Me: Oh I let a fag cut my hair short last saturday
Dave: rad
i'm really sick
it suckss
i need my scarf i'm coldd
btw im taller :) now
Me: yeah?
Dave: yeah
Me: How much taller?
Dave: lol brb
*He was on cam*
Me: omg giant on my screen! holy bleep youre like frigggggggin LONG

Dave: i think a malaysia guy wanted to see my dick
Me: wtf? is he gay or gay?
Dave: gay gay gay gay gay gay gya
Me: gay gay gay. i like saying it three times. only three times.
Dave: ddude no. x10000000000000
Me: howd u meet this guy anyway?
Dave: he added me
Me: oh stalker!
Dave: yesh!

Me: i think i have a lesbian fan in school. she/he/it kept nudging the friend everytime i pass by
Dave: lol. :P kinkii. you are hot
Me: im like a truck. trucks are not hot.
Dave: go on cam and ill see.
Dave: dude
you are
a flipping truck
your like peguin
Me: oh a penguin sounds wayyy better than a truck aye?

And a whole lot more random stuff. We just cant stick to one thing. Flip to this and that after another random flip. I miss our Lol Gang meetings. Jenni, Aleen, you guys gotta come online at the same time!

you're the best drug ever!

Thanks to Ray and Michelle, I got my mojo back! It happened like about a month ago. We were at Michelle's place and I was so tempted to ride her board but I couldnt cos I was so worked up and I kept bailing. I could only tic-tac.

When we were on our way home, I wasnt satisfied at all cos I thought I seriously lost my mojo. I ran upstairs to my room and I just had like a big bar of chocolate so you would know how hyped I was. I grabbed the blue chair (which was so not stable) and stood on top of it and tried to reach my boards on top of the cupboard. Success!

Grabbed my old board and skate in the balcony. Oh holy sheep it was the awesomest feeling ever, I finally got my drug! I was sitting on the balcony, listening to my mp3, kinda freaked my neighbour cos apparently I looked like a suicidal emo chick, all in black. Michelle called (right on!) and I screamed telling her I got my mojo back! I was so stoked.

Anyways, the exams finally ended last Wednesday and that afternoon I spent the entire time watching Rodney Mullen, Mike Vallely, Danny Way and Bucky Lasek on youtube. Surfed the Element and Etnies websites. Like old times, I got stuck staring at the Etnies shoes! Cant help myself, dude.

And that's when I started using my Element board. Yeah, I never got used to it before this. I was so used to my old one that I kept using the old one. Even when I got my mojo back this year. I mean, after eight months of not skating, of course you'd pick the skateboard you're comfortable with, right? The weird thing was, my old board wasnt as comfortable as it was before. I couldnt hang on to it long enough. It felt heavy somehow. That night I crashed on my bed and stared at my Element board. I got up on an impulse and grabbed it and did tic-tacs. "This feels good" And then I was like, ok, kick. "This feels gooood" and I kicked some more "Duuuude, this is soo goood." I quickly got out the balcony and skate like a madass.

Ever since I started skating my Element board, I just cant stop. Everyday in school I'd be "I wanna skaaaaaaate!" and Ray would go "Stooooooop iiiiiiiiit! I want a new skateboard!" I promise to buy her a new board when I go to Miri during the hols. Cant believe she had the discipline to not spend her money. Oh and on Friday, she was so tempted to buy an ice-cream from the ice-cream man at church. And it was mother freakin raining! I took her money and kept it in my pocket until dad came to pick me up. Lets all pray to God she didnt spend it when I was gone.

Things are pretty sick right now. Both in good and bad ways. All I wanna do is skate and things are screwed up when it comes to studies cos I just dont wanna do any homework. I'm not even prepared for my English oral which is on Monday and its 3.43am on Sunday, right now. Yeah, I'm ****ed up for sure. But I think I'll survive cos with the topic I chose, I'm pretty sure I could remember the facts since it's something I love! Something to do with my favorite drug... x)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

screw chemistry, we're robbing the bank!

I saw Dragon the Druggie walking back and forth, carrying his bag everywhere he goes and I was like, "I seriously wanna mug this guy. What does he have in there? Money??"

And the whole robbing the bank topic came up. Everyone's got their own costumes to cover up their identity. Ray was the leader, of course. She's got a paper bag head, fish as weapons and carries a pig everywhere she goes. Michelle would be in a Chocopie suit. Her hands wont be able to reach out cos well...oh we need to take a pic of the drawing, man. Pam would be the Underbah! Yeah, say whaaaaaaat? She wears an underwear on her head and she's wrapped up in a towel. Was supposed to be a robe at first but I dont know, I wasnt paying attention when Michelle drew her on my table. Almost got busted. HAHAH! Funny! I'm the armless carrot with the hardcore sharp hair. I attack people with that.

My table had doodles all over it. Michelle just couldnt stop writing "Ryan Sheckler" in different styles of handwriting. And not to mention how big they were!

When the exam started and I got my Chemistry answer sheet, I almost wrote, on the top left;
Ryan Sheckler

Hah! Damn you, Michelle, gave me D.I.D. When I told her about it she was like, "Oh cool Ryan Sheckler's in my class!" The table still got his name all over it. And our crew, The Tongue Rollers. Hahahah! We need to carry that table away from that block.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

why would you ask this dog for advice?

addmath remedy

oh queen mother of forks and ducks!
I need help.
Someone has to tutor me Addmath.
I can study on my own but when it comes to solving the 'use your head to think' problems, I am so screwed.
Even the toughest of all screw drivers cant get the screw out, man.

Friday, May 1, 2009

exam week. eh, no. weeks. with an S. yeah thats right, ass school

I slept for fifteen hours lastnight dude. Watched American Idol at six which almost gave me a heart attack. One where I would stuff myself with lots of chocolate and when I take a second, just a second to stop, I die! Why? Cos Adam Lambert was bottom TWO ! Wtf? How the hell did that happen? He's supposed to friggin be on top all the time cos come on, America, he has the best performance e ve ry ferrikin night! Anyways, back to my story, after (Adam was safe by the way, Matt got out) watching that, I crashed. In the room downstairs.

It was so hard to get up. Felt like there was some ghost pulling my eyes shut every time they try to open. I didnt have dinner cos apparently, "I dont like to eat ducks!" . Yeah, I said that to gramma and went back to sleep. Weird, cos I like ducks, actually. Only got up at 10pm after mosquitoes had sucked about a gallon of my blood.

Walked upstairs to my room with an exam pad in my hand (I dont know, man...) and threw myself on my bed and slept all the way till morning. 4am, I woke up and wondered who turned off my lights cos I wanted to take a shower but decided it was too dark and I couldnt see, so I went back to sleep.

At 5am, I woke up and looked outside my window and realised that it was brighter. I wanted to get out and sit on the balcony and wait til the sun rises (wtf?) but I didnt. Cos the guy I dreamt of lured me back to sleep and I dreamt of him some more. God, it was suhweeeet!

I ended up waking at 10.45am.