Friday, May 22, 2009

to skater haters

We hanged out at Michelle's again last Wednesday to do our PSK project. Its taking forever to finish. Hah! We were so distracted. Brought my Element board with me.

Michelle: Hey, it's 4 o'clock I wanna go out and skate.
Phoebe: No, wait till it's 4.30. I always skate after 4.30 cos that's when
you won't get
skin cancer.
Michelle: Really?
Phoebe: Yeah.
Michelle: Is it like a proven fact?
Phoebe: Yeah. I'm like a skater who actually cares about her skin.

So we continued with the project until it was time to get out and be free from skin cancer! Haha! Walked to the playground and duuuude, there were two skating rings there, man. I let Ray use my board. She and Michelle skated down the slopes. Pam and Theresa played with the see-saw. I played with the swings. Ohh I miss kiddy playgrounds. Rules should so be f*cked, man. What's up with the whole, "Only for children aged 12 and below". Screw it I'm forever young. Especially with my summer hair. Bahahah! I love The Academy Is xD falling out of topic here...

Anyhoots, people were friggin staring at us walkin around with skateboards in our arms. It's like, "Holy shit, these hooligans are gonna kill us." Like wtf?! The place is filled with kids who smoke and ride bikes like superman tryina save kittens stuck in trees only to rape them. People should stop being so narrow minded. They're always thinking, "If it rides a skateboard, it's evil." Oh come on. What about Marilyn Manson? He's evil. He wears make-up.

What would you do if I say,

"If it wears make-up, it's evil"

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