Saturday, January 30, 2010

sleep deprivation

I slept for eleven hours straight. From 5.30 pm yesterday until 4.30am. I feel so cool! Yes, I know it's nothing special, but dear, havent you noticed? I have no life. This nerd has been real busy since the day school started. Dean, I am so not gonna miss high school. Trust ME.

While I was half asleep, mom called. I had no idea what time it was. Probably 7pm or so. She said, "Pip, I'm at Hui Sing. Do you want char kueh?".
In my head, I thought of the sweet noodle. So I went, "Huuuuuh? What?" and she repeated, "I'm at Hui Sing, do you want char kueh again?".
I was still thinking about the sweet noodle but I said, "Yes, of course" anyway. Went back to sleep.

I woke up after dreaming of 3sa squeezing the life out of me. That was 4.30am. Nice, 3sa. See what you did. Make me hug you so many times until I actually dreamed of it!

Brushed my teeth and I think I woke dad up in the process cos while I was heating the char kueh in the microwave, dad walked downstairs all dressed up like an athlete. He went jogging. I'm gonna have softball later at 8am.

Got sta get ready !

Friday, January 22, 2010

Softball Madness

Yet another rant.

The after effects of sleep-deprivation. I cant stop talking nonsense, I might as well type another post before I crash, right?

So, second practice was on Wednesday afternoon. Now that was something! We ran 3 rounds around the school, ran back to the field and did some jumping and push-ups, before we started throwing balls at each other.

Dear God, you have no idea how much I miss running and sweating. Ok, maybe you do know, since you created me and all. That was just a figure of speech. But point is, thank you so much and I love you, Father, you are amazingly awesome! Amen.

Forgive me, Ray, for hitting your shoulder. And 3sa, those seven hits are my seven blessings for the near future if anything were to happen to your bra and panties. Yes, that's the brain telling me I need to sleep. Jay, you should've let me try to kill you instead. Mel, you're so right, that sunblock sure is strong!

Haha! I felt like I was walking with barbecued chicken legs. The sun was scorching hot. Everyone thought I got a sunburn but HAHA! I did not ;P

Everything hurts after that though. My arms, my shoulders, my thighs and even my butt cheeks! I have no idea how that even makes sense. Everything still hurts now. Especially my right arm and butt cheek. But dont worry, I can totally handle playing drums tomorrow. Ahh so excited! Cant wait!

Here are pictures from Wednesday!

Getting ready for my ball, aye?

Aiming at 3sa ! Got my game face on, yo.

Jay, the president !
(I like the sound of that, Jay)

Ray and her bottles.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

One pretty awesome Saturday

Did new things! Awesome new things. It was pretty hectic, how full the day was. Went to school in the morning for our very first softball practice. It wasnt much since there were so many juniors and so little time. (I am one of the juniors too haha)

Went to church in the afternoon for the one thing I've been longing for; DRUM LESSON ! Whoot! Finally, I get to hit things. Release stress in the form of drum beats. Uncle Louie, Dan's dad, was the one giving the lessons. He is super cool. He hits with the enthusiasm of a teenager, which made everything a lot more exciting! :D

After the lesson, I went upstairs to join 3sa, Ash, Alicia and Dan. All four were playing base... I guess. I dont know, I'm not a plucking-strings kind of person. Haha! Not that I have anything against that ;)

Snapped some pictures using 3sa's camera, hit the table with the drumsticks, watched 3sa try to play something on the piano, I tried to play the Mr. Bean theme song on the piano. Dan played Muse's Supermassive Black Hole on base and Ash sang to it, she sounded exactly like Matthew Bellamy. Epic! After a while, I got tired and slept in the corner of the room... And the sounds these guys made were pretty soothing in a way.

Anyhoo, pictures! (stolen from 3sa's facebook)

Missed a beat !

Doing their own thing...

3sa danced.
Dan watched.
Ash took over the drumsticks and switched to rockstar mode!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Goodbye, love.

The saddest stage of being a skater, is when you seriously have to stop. I have reached there. It's time to face it. I cant skate anymore.

No more adrenaline rush.
No more tricks. (not that I have landed much)
No more falling on my ass.
No more threatening the dogs with my board.

Because if I do fall, the titanium in my spine might just break or whatever it does when you fall. Doctor never explained it. I just cant fall. I'm not allowed to. Whack, isnt it?

So I guess I'm just gonna hang my deck on the wall and reminisce.

I'd probably collect decks now. Hehe! That will be almost as awesome as skating.

But I still want a set of trucks though. Just in case I cant handle myself, I'd just kick push my way through.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

First rest I had all week

It's Saturday.

Just when I thought I was finally gonna get more than nine hours of sleep, school had to have KK registrations. Had to come before eight just to wait around for two hours until everything started. So we (3sa, Ray and I) went on and on about the whole racism issue and then it turned to Marianas Trench and Disco Curtis, or more like "Tanner, baby! We're going down slowly, take me!..." Ray came up with that. She didnt wanna sing "Ashley, baby..." cos she was mad at the video where Ashley had stolen her Tanner baby. Ok, that is too much "baby" in one topic. Moving on...

The only reason I was eager to get up this morning was because 3sa had told me yesterday that there are drum lessons today at 10.30am and 2pm. Obviously, I wasnt gonna make it to the 10.30am lesson, I had to go for the Joyful Vanguard meeting. When we were just about done, 3sa texted me and said that the 2pm lesson got canceled. Excitement went boom and I didnt have time to escape the blow. Wow, there's an over-dramatic ending right there. Haha! I was just kidding.

So, I went home and took a nap. A 5 hour nap. Oh that felt so good!

And now I have to go back to being a nerd. Heh.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Arkk I have so much to say!

Went to the hospital today. As expected. Doc tells me that I look good but the X-Ray doesnt but that's okay! What's new? Young doctors who say, "Hang on, let me get my boss and ask him what to do about you". And I had to fill in forms about how I've changed since the operation and how it is affecting my personal life and personal relationships. Dude, I dont have a boyfriend, never had one and dont want one. So, how it's affecting my personal relationship? None (check box?) Check!

There were a lot of 'funny' questions and some very irritating. I fkin hate it when they ask you to rate the amount of pain you're feeling. Give it from a scale of 1 to 10 or is it "mild" or "moderate" or "moderate to severe" or "severe" ? Oh come on. It's painful, get rid of it! Or when people ask you, "What is it like? Is it like a cramp or is it like ants biting you or pinching pain or sharp pain?" Screw you. There are no ants around, even if there were, I would know how it feels like to get bitten by ants and this is not it. This is just ridiculous. It seriously gets me mad whenever somebody asks me these.

Mom was acting weird too. She was saying things that dont even make sense. She was making things up. Like when she told the doctor that I complained so much about the pain until I wished I never had the operation. Wtf? I never said that. As a matter of fact, I am glad I had the operation. I just dont wanna have to go through it for a second time cos I might just give up the next time I cant breathe without feeling like my lungs were being crushed by rocks. (Just so you know, I nearly did give up the last time. I wanted to hold my breath until I fade. I did hold my breath more than three times. So please be grateful for my presence) And she kept bugging me when I was filling up the forms and answering the questions. She was the one who answered most of them. Yeah, that's the Scoliosis patient right there. Hey, I'm just here to sit and goyang kaki. Should have given them her cell number instead of my own.

I asked Dr. Zaki (the boss) if I can play sports now. And he said yes! HAHAHAHAHA! You have no idea how happy I was to hear that. I so wanna play squash and run and sweat like crazy again. I miss it so much. But of course, I cant join competitions though. That would stress my spine. I can only play for leisure. But hey, competition or no competition, main thing is, I get to play sports again! :D

So, Teng, Jay, Ray, I dont have to be a bench-warmer in the softball team after all !

But I still cant run 5 laps, though... (hehe)

senior year

Wow, that makes me sound old. Note to self: Change that title.

Hello, Mr. PC, havent seen you all week, nice to see you up and working. Probably cos DAD has been using you. Damn I miss playing The Sims 3. My sister called me up lastnight just to ask me where to buy balloons and a birthday cake in the game cos her sims' baby is growing up into a toddler and wants a birthday party. Great. Throw a party without me. How very thoughtful of you.

Anyhoots, enough on that sims rant. I'm in Form 5 this year. After SPM I'll be saying "So long suckah!" to high school.

I'm in a separate class from my Apek Clan. 5Science2. I know it's kind of a bad idea to leave Theresa and Ray together, since Theresa is most likely to consume Ray for breakfast every morning. But hey, they survived! Sure, they did ask me to come back to the third class cos they dont wana see anyone else get the top position, but after knowing Madam Screamo is still their class teacher? No way, dude! My ears are screamo-phobic. And I love my class. Miss Chung is cool. Firm, but cool. She teaches us Addmath and Physics. Which is good, cos I dont think anyone can actually scream formulas and equations in my ears to force them up my brain and expect me to get an A. Screamo does teach us Math, but she doesnt look like she has the guts to bully students in my class. Take that, baldy!

I'm starting tuitions. Addmath, Biology, Physics. Was supposed to go for Chemistry today, but I had to go to the hospital. There are pros in being physically challenged ;) Haha! I had to go for Bio and Phy without Theresa and Mel. I didnt mind the Bio class. But Physics? People were staring at me like I was an alien with a purple tail or something. Geez.

Ok wow, I sure talk too much. I've been super hyper this week. Cant sleep at night cos I couldnt stop talking to myself in the dark. I think I should stop here. Ok bye now