Friday, January 8, 2010

senior year

Wow, that makes me sound old. Note to self: Change that title.

Hello, Mr. PC, havent seen you all week, nice to see you up and working. Probably cos DAD has been using you. Damn I miss playing The Sims 3. My sister called me up lastnight just to ask me where to buy balloons and a birthday cake in the game cos her sims' baby is growing up into a toddler and wants a birthday party. Great. Throw a party without me. How very thoughtful of you.

Anyhoots, enough on that sims rant. I'm in Form 5 this year. After SPM I'll be saying "So long suckah!" to high school.

I'm in a separate class from my Apek Clan. 5Science2. I know it's kind of a bad idea to leave Theresa and Ray together, since Theresa is most likely to consume Ray for breakfast every morning. But hey, they survived! Sure, they did ask me to come back to the third class cos they dont wana see anyone else get the top position, but after knowing Madam Screamo is still their class teacher? No way, dude! My ears are screamo-phobic. And I love my class. Miss Chung is cool. Firm, but cool. She teaches us Addmath and Physics. Which is good, cos I dont think anyone can actually scream formulas and equations in my ears to force them up my brain and expect me to get an A. Screamo does teach us Math, but she doesnt look like she has the guts to bully students in my class. Take that, baldy!

I'm starting tuitions. Addmath, Biology, Physics. Was supposed to go for Chemistry today, but I had to go to the hospital. There are pros in being physically challenged ;) Haha! I had to go for Bio and Phy without Theresa and Mel. I didnt mind the Bio class. But Physics? People were staring at me like I was an alien with a purple tail or something. Geez.

Ok wow, I sure talk too much. I've been super hyper this week. Cant sleep at night cos I couldnt stop talking to myself in the dark. I think I should stop here. Ok bye now

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