Friday, January 8, 2010

Arkk I have so much to say!

Went to the hospital today. As expected. Doc tells me that I look good but the X-Ray doesnt but that's okay! What's new? Young doctors who say, "Hang on, let me get my boss and ask him what to do about you". And I had to fill in forms about how I've changed since the operation and how it is affecting my personal life and personal relationships. Dude, I dont have a boyfriend, never had one and dont want one. So, how it's affecting my personal relationship? None (check box?) Check!

There were a lot of 'funny' questions and some very irritating. I fkin hate it when they ask you to rate the amount of pain you're feeling. Give it from a scale of 1 to 10 or is it "mild" or "moderate" or "moderate to severe" or "severe" ? Oh come on. It's painful, get rid of it! Or when people ask you, "What is it like? Is it like a cramp or is it like ants biting you or pinching pain or sharp pain?" Screw you. There are no ants around, even if there were, I would know how it feels like to get bitten by ants and this is not it. This is just ridiculous. It seriously gets me mad whenever somebody asks me these.

Mom was acting weird too. She was saying things that dont even make sense. She was making things up. Like when she told the doctor that I complained so much about the pain until I wished I never had the operation. Wtf? I never said that. As a matter of fact, I am glad I had the operation. I just dont wanna have to go through it for a second time cos I might just give up the next time I cant breathe without feeling like my lungs were being crushed by rocks. (Just so you know, I nearly did give up the last time. I wanted to hold my breath until I fade. I did hold my breath more than three times. So please be grateful for my presence) And she kept bugging me when I was filling up the forms and answering the questions. She was the one who answered most of them. Yeah, that's the Scoliosis patient right there. Hey, I'm just here to sit and goyang kaki. Should have given them her cell number instead of my own.

I asked Dr. Zaki (the boss) if I can play sports now. And he said yes! HAHAHAHAHA! You have no idea how happy I was to hear that. I so wanna play squash and run and sweat like crazy again. I miss it so much. But of course, I cant join competitions though. That would stress my spine. I can only play for leisure. But hey, competition or no competition, main thing is, I get to play sports again! :D

So, Teng, Jay, Ray, I dont have to be a bench-warmer in the softball team after all !

But I still cant run 5 laps, though... (hehe)

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