Thursday, January 6, 2011

chasing inspiration

I felt as if I'm stuck in a moment and state whereby I dont know where to go or what to do anymore. And so, lately, whenever I go online, I search for things, words, pictures and people that would inspire me. I found exactly what I was looking for and they kept coming at me. Even now, I still stumble upon new inspirational websites.

Isn't God amazing? He understood my needs even when I couldnt find the words or courage to say them out.

I still cant figure it out, what I'm going to do but I know one thing that's certain. God loves me, He knows everything about me. Life isnt about which college accepts me or how good my grades are. Life isnt about what course I'm going to pursue or what my future career is going to be. Life is about knowing God's love, loving Him back and loving others around me. I'm going to keep my heart on that track and smile about the rest.

On another note, a few days ago, I decided to create a tumblr account. Here's the catch, my tumblr blog is specifically about God and all His wonders. Someone inspired me to do this and I want to inspire others too. I try to post daily, and I'm sure I wont have a problem with that right now, considering my intensely long freedom. Haha :))

God bless! <3

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