Monday, February 14, 2011

Season Finale's

So, I know it's Valentine's day and it's not a perfect time for me to go on a rant about my favourite TV shows but this is my blog and I'm going to do it anyway.

This afternoon, I watched the season finale of Private Practice. I love that show but after watching this season's final episode, I don't think I wanna watch it ever again. They put to death the super sweet and adorable Dell. I was alone in my living room, shouting, "No no no! Who wrote the script?!" and let me tell you this; today was a very (note: VERY) hot and sunny day. Killing my favourite character in a TV show is not how you should entertain me. Well, director of Private Practice, with that dramatic stunt you pulled, I can assure you that you've lost thousands, millions, billions of young teenage girls in your audience. Oh trust me, you would want young teenage girls in your audience. Things just don't work well without them, but I can tell you what you can do to get your high ratings back.

Next season, turn all of this into a dream and make the dreamer wake up. This time, Naomi's daughter never got into an accident and Dell never spent a whole day trying to save her and die at the end of the day. So, I'm happy, the rest of the audience are happy, everybody's happy. One more thing, you as the director, should think of more creative and less fatal ideas for future episodes. Capisce?

I want him back, alive!

Moving on to less drama and more action, lastnight was the season finale for The Walking Dead. The way the season ended blew me away. I mean, death by 'decontamination'? Genius! I loved it. I can't wait for the next season. Let there be another season! :D

This is the one show that could get to me and my imaginations. I would actually get nervous and start talking to the TV screen when it's on. Now, whenever I'm alone at home and I hear a noise that isn't supposed to be there, I'd immediately think; robbers or walkers? Haha! My brother had multiple zombie dreams too. Once, he was afraid to wake up and go to school because he dreamt zombies were invading our living room. It's funny, really. Whenever I have zombie dreams, I'd always slash them to (a second) death and stand a survivor, or at least an amazing escape artist. Ha!

Anyway, there goes my rant. You're amazing if you've stuck through reading the whole thing. I love you. I'm serious :) Thank you. Oh, and Happy Valentine's!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the Walking Dead! My brother and I watched it together and he'd get mad at me for yelling at the characters. ;)
