Tuesday, February 15, 2011

This is a post-Valentine's Day post

I spent yesterday with Jesus at home. It was nice. But I feel like I owe you stalkers a "love post". Is that what people call it? So here's a list of some of the things I love!
Note: Some may change as time flies.

♥ The Godly people I follow on Tumblr

♥ Songs about Jesus

♥ Moments when God makes me smile for no absolute reason

♥ Babies and little kids

♥ The fact that I can talk to Mel about anything!

♥ Pictures from weheartit.com. These are my personal favourites.

♥ Jeans that are actually blue

♥ Australian accents

♥ Red Indian headdress

♥ Drumming and swimming

♥ The purring noise my cat, Fifa makes when I hug him

♥ The way my dogs welcome me when I arrive home

♥ American comedies

♥ Kristen Bell in comedies

♥ Kuching traffic. Haha!

♥ Staring at skies

♥ Waving at random strangers

♥ Conversations I have with my closest friends

♥ Blogging about random things! :D

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