Friday, August 26, 2011

I miss having a fridge to open repeatedly

I'm back home in Kuching and it's my brother's birthday! :D

So, first thing I did when I got back in town was ate the best meat ever. Mum and dad brought me to the coffee shop near daddy's favourite hang out spot. I really missed my dad and his bike obsession. I'm not ashamed to admit that my daddy's cool. Haha!

When I got home, I had to sweep and mop the floors. Yeah, not what I came home for. Mum sure has a really creative way of welcoming me home. Not nice, mummy. By the time I was done sweeping, my back hurt. And I haven't mopped yet. I ended up looking like a disgustingly sweaty old lady after that. Definitely not attractive at all =/

Anyway, my arm is still hurting from that night when we played volleyball. Yeah, I actually went on playing sports while I was in campus. Well, I wouldn't dare say I was any good. I break the rules. I mean, we all broke the rules. Haha. My classmates and I played volleyball like it was football; serving by kicking it like a mad goalie. Played basketball as if we were rugby players. Hug the ball once you caught it and run as fast as you can to the other side. Hahaha! There was a lot of unnecessary screaming, too. Good times :)

I miss my four campus cats already; Mr. Tummy, Mama, Abang and Eh-Eleh. Mr. Tummy, mostly. He's the best fat cat ever! He never pooped or peed while he was in my room. And he doesn't meow at all. Partly because he lost his voice but when he sense another cat, he magically finds his voice back. Ah, I miss you, Mr. Tummy. Wish I could bring you home with me but you're probably gonna kill Fifa while you're here. You're such a taiko.

Mr. Tummy McBelly hogging Jia Le's chair when she walked away

We're gonna have a BBQ tonight for Kavan's birthday. Hehehe! I can't wait to consume those three lovely meats. To all vegetarians and vegans, I'm sorry for always talking about meat on this post. I can't help but turn into a carnivore while I'm home. I've to grab my chances. Life's too short to hold back on the good stuff!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

just shoot me

I'm having a night from hell. I'm emotionally beat. Well, emotionally messed up, actually. I don't know what I'm feeling but I know this is me in a bad mood. I was enjoying myself the whole day today. Very productive and hyped up. Then, I came back, took a nap and woke up with this crappy anti-social feeling. It sucks that my head hurts, too.

Is something bothering me? Oh, where do I even begin? There were a number of things I've been shoving away but they seem to be getting to me now. Am I back to holding things in again? I thought I was just controlling my emotions, but now it seems that I've probably grown too cold.

This is really stupid. Who are those people to judge the way I handle my emotions? First, I'm over-emotional and now I'm heartless? I hate judgmental freaks...

Come on. I'm a very deep person. I tend to go on the extreme side of things. I don't believe in being a mediocre at anything. So bite your tongue and look yourself in the mirror before you start judging me.

To whoever is reading this, I'm sorry for going on a rant. I'm trying hard not to use words I will later regret. I think it's best that I have some alone time with Him tonight. Thank God Jia Le is in my room with me. I'd probably curl up on the floor, crying my eyes out if she wasn't here.

Okay, yeah, that was too much sad information. I should stop. Kays, see ya and God bless.


Dear 2.00 a.m., we have got to stop meeting this way. Bed would be very furious if he knew about us. And don't get me started with Spine. He's killing me right now...

Hello again, people. I'm feeling very hyper, I can't seem to fall asleep. Drank a cup of coffee. Okay, well, there were two sachets of coffee in one cup. That's the way I love my coffee. Strong.

I'm currently writing my journal for English. Oh, how I love writing. English is just so beautiful and words, oh words; they can say a lot. As you can see, I'm on my speak-dramatic-language mode. This is the time when I'm very deeply inspired.

Let me just continue writing before this unexplained feeling goes away. This must be how Shaant Hacikyan and Brandon Urie feel whenever they write their own songs. Oh, I hope I'll turn into my favorite lyrical geniuses!

Friday, August 12, 2011

walking on zebra feet

The weekend is here again! I finally did my laundry. Phew, that's a lot of clothes! I still have another pile I need to wash tomorrow morning. Or, wait, Sunday. We've got some kind of program tomorrow involving all the juniors.

I might take a shot at fasting tomorrow since there's no food. But of course, I'll do it my own way; with water. I can't live without water. I might just kill people with bad breath if I ever go without it. Or...people are gonna be lured by my sexy, squeeky voice. Ha!

My back has been hurting quite a lot lately. I wish I had that massaging chair. Oh, whoever came up with those things is a genius! I'm crazy about it. I make it a point to sit on that chair whenever I go to the mall. It's mandatory!

On another note, I miss my family so much! I miss mummy, daddy, my loud sister and my silly brother! I can't wait to go home on the 26th. Teehee! Local uni actually rocks my socks. We have so many holidays! :D

Look at how much darker I've become!
Miss it when my sis would say, "How now, brown cow?"

Oh well, life's too short to worry about skin colour and my zebra feet. But if you really want to make me happy, please take note; I want that massaging chair on my birthday! :D

Kay, gotta go now, love you guys, bye!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

mad as rabbits

I miss you, blogspot! Taking a half-hour break from my assignments right now, just so I can be with you.

Well, today's morning class has been canceled, yet again. My only class starts at 2.00 p.m. so, hello! I can't seem to get my priorities straight lately. No, it's not The Sims 3. Well, yeah, okay, it was TS3, but only for a while. Then it turned into movies and cats and injured puppy and eating ice cream and watching people play hockey and futsal.

Never thought hockey would be interesting, but it was! Reyna, Jia Le and I sat at the court watching our friends play hockey with some seniors lastnight. The possibility of the ball hitting us was just really scary but nevertheless fun. Then, it got real close and we left. Ha! I have to say, I was pretty envious of the players. They get to play sports while I have to sit and watch. These are the times when I wish I didn't have Scoliosis (most times I'm glad I do cos I get to escape a number of torturous events). *sigh* I miss not having to care about falling down and hurting myself...

I can't seem to find time to do my laundry this week. Whenever I plan to, on a certain day, it turns into another important meeting with my coursemates. Don't get me wrong though, you guys, I have nothing against the meetings but, I'm running out of clothes! Pretty soon I'll be wearing my pajamas everywhere.

People are pretty damn interesting here. I mean, the things they do when they're bored? Beyond random! Lastnight we passed by a senior who was walking around with a small net. Reyna went, "Hey, what are you doing? Why do I always see you with that thing?" and the senior goes, "I was trying to catch insects". When we walked to the tennis court, three girls were cycling on grass. Grass! Oh, I feel for those thighs! But I guess randomness is mandatory when you're stuck in campus. Jia Le and I catnap for fun. We'd walk around the blocks to find our favourite fat cat or hyper kittens and bring them back to my room. Some nights we catch frogs and scare our friends. Lastnight that plan didn't work cos our friends went off to their rooms before we got to them. Meh. So Jia Le took a polystyrene container and kept the frog in there. It's right behind me by the way...

Oh well, 30 minutes up! I'm gonna have to go back to being a nerd now. Til next time. God bless and spread love like fire!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

no man's lover

Made a poem the last two nights. Yep, took me two nights cos I did it in bed, moments before I fell asleep. Here it goes...

Jealousy and envy,
Lovers leave me feeling none.
Desires I keep heavily,
Only on things suited for one.

My head rests not on affection,
My heart cares for better things.
My mind ponders on wonders and,
My eyes set on bigger dreams.

Alone but never lonely,
This soul remains contented.
To plea for attention is unnecessary,
A wish so calmly granted.

No man's hand do I wish to hold,
No man's ring wrapped around my finger.
Rejection, or is this too cold?
I wish to be no man's lover.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

after break updates

Yello! Yeah, that's how I'm gonna say hello today. So, it's Wednesday and my morning class has been cancelled. Nice, isn't it? I haven't had much morning class this week. Only once, yesterday but that only went on for an hour. General Chemistry! Won't have any morning class tomorrow either. I'm lovin' this first week of classes after the mid sem break! :D

Anyway, my class only starts at 2pm today, so I'm taking the time to do some research for my group's presentation. It's a great, no-stress research though. Why? Cause our theme is Quirky People and we've decided to talk about one of the best (if not already the best) comedian on Youtube! Keep guessing ;)

I've come to realise that I should lay off The Sims 3 for a while, at least until I'm sure I've completed the important things. I'm such an addict. I guess I just love playing god and architect. A lot of my course mates play too, I feel like I finally belong. Simaholics all around!

On another note, it's the fasting month for all the Muslims. The food court is usually empty and well, not much food is served to the non-Muslims. Sometimes the cafeteria closes. I'm gonna need to stock up some food this weekend. Nyaaahhh. Yeah, Voldy, I'm copying your response to things.

Well, anyway, that's all the update for now. I shall continue my fun research. Blessings to everyone!