Friday, August 26, 2011

I miss having a fridge to open repeatedly

I'm back home in Kuching and it's my brother's birthday! :D

So, first thing I did when I got back in town was ate the best meat ever. Mum and dad brought me to the coffee shop near daddy's favourite hang out spot. I really missed my dad and his bike obsession. I'm not ashamed to admit that my daddy's cool. Haha!

When I got home, I had to sweep and mop the floors. Yeah, not what I came home for. Mum sure has a really creative way of welcoming me home. Not nice, mummy. By the time I was done sweeping, my back hurt. And I haven't mopped yet. I ended up looking like a disgustingly sweaty old lady after that. Definitely not attractive at all =/

Anyway, my arm is still hurting from that night when we played volleyball. Yeah, I actually went on playing sports while I was in campus. Well, I wouldn't dare say I was any good. I break the rules. I mean, we all broke the rules. Haha. My classmates and I played volleyball like it was football; serving by kicking it like a mad goalie. Played basketball as if we were rugby players. Hug the ball once you caught it and run as fast as you can to the other side. Hahaha! There was a lot of unnecessary screaming, too. Good times :)

I miss my four campus cats already; Mr. Tummy, Mama, Abang and Eh-Eleh. Mr. Tummy, mostly. He's the best fat cat ever! He never pooped or peed while he was in my room. And he doesn't meow at all. Partly because he lost his voice but when he sense another cat, he magically finds his voice back. Ah, I miss you, Mr. Tummy. Wish I could bring you home with me but you're probably gonna kill Fifa while you're here. You're such a taiko.

Mr. Tummy McBelly hogging Jia Le's chair when she walked away

We're gonna have a BBQ tonight for Kavan's birthday. Hehehe! I can't wait to consume those three lovely meats. To all vegetarians and vegans, I'm sorry for always talking about meat on this post. I can't help but turn into a carnivore while I'm home. I've to grab my chances. Life's too short to hold back on the good stuff!

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