Thursday, March 31, 2011

author of the moment, can you tell me?

First of all, this is just too cute. Listen. Laugh and then check out He Is We's new album!

And now, let me just blog before I go to bed. What a week it's been so far. I've been having high fever since Saturday night. Oh, I went to Youth that night. It was a new thing, we tried; Group Bonding. I think that's what they call it. Fun games. Well, a lot of fun until they gave me cramps before I found out what the third game was all about. Haha, such a fragile creature I am, no?

I had fever on and off the whole day on Sunday, so I was all wrapped up in my sweater and rolled in my comforter. I really despise fever shivers. The only thing that went through my mind was, "Better not get fever on Monday, gotta help out for Pastors' Conference!" (Sarah asked us fresh school leavers to volunteer and lend a hand). Unfortunately, I did get a fever on Monday morning and so I had to pull out of it for the day. Got better the next day, and so, I went to the conference. Fever came back on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, and so, I was missing, again. I hope I didn't annoy Sarah with all those feverish text messages. Teehee. I was fine today, and today was the last day of the conference and I was glad I came! :D

I've been spending a lot of time with Theresa this week. Oh, how I miss that girl since she left for NS! (She's back, so I'm smothering her) She's been trying to make a cover with me but I would always refuse for my throat seem to have a life of its own when I sing. Oh, and then there was the cookie problem. Tuesday afternoon, Theresa played the guitar and I was supposed to start off with the first verse of the song, only, I was too busy munching on Famous Amos cookies. Hahaha. We did, however, finally make one today. Not perfect though, I kept holding back the coughing. Gah, itchy throat. I hope we get to "perfect" it, Theresa Rom! I'm a perfectionist after all, can't leave anything in a condition that would just make us obsessive compulsive.

And then I went to have dinner with Affeeq a while ago. Haven't seen him in ages! And oh, that boy is tall. I'm saying tttaaaaaaallll, as in, his car seats were so low, I sank in them but he was head and shoulders above the windows! We had a lot to catch up on so there was a lot of talking over the food. I didn't finish my nissin, which I already knew I couldn't because Theresa's lovely mum made me eat before that but Affeeq insisted I ate again. He promised he would be my rubbish bin if I couldn't finish but, the boy can't be trusted. Oh, one more thing. (Going to blame mummy for this,) he kept calling me a "nun" because apparently, the people I hang around are too good.

Haha. I chose to have angelic friends. At least I did something right. Right? ;D

Anyway, it's going to be April in about three minutes (according to this laptop). Wow, how quick time passes! Can't wait for college, though!

In the mean time, I'm still contemplating over whether I should go to sleep or listen to more of He Is We's songs. Hmm, tough life decisions...

God bless you, dear stalker, for holding out until the end of this week's rant!

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