Tuesday, March 1, 2011

we will never forget

It has been such a crazy ride for me in the past few days. One moment I was heartbroken, in the next I was irritated. I experienced something entirely foreign to my knowledge, had no expectations and so, there was no disappointment. Only sadness would surface every now and then. And then there were times when I felt very happy too. No, this is not an emotional breakdown.

Let's start with the sad news and build up along the way, (just exactly how the days went anyway). Our dog, Lemon passed away last Wednesday night. She fell ill for almost a week and that night, she left without a sound, laying in our bathroom. I've never been that sad since Dottie passed. This was more painful, though. It wasn't her time yet, it really wasn't. A cocker spaniel lives up to 10 to 11 years. Lemon was only 7. I cried for the longest time in my life and it made me feel almost lifeless too. I hated being home alone. I knew I would burst into tears every now and then, so Melinda took me out the next day. I'm so blessed to have such amazing friends who ate chocolate with me, brought me to the park and made me laugh, drove me around the city to find strawberry milkshake just because I craved for it. I love you guys :)

On Friday, I went to the hospital for my regular check-up. Didn't seem so regular when the last time I went for a check-up was about a year ago. The hospital sure have changed. My doctor wasn't there that afternoon, but there were a bunch of new, young, male doctors. Faces I've never seen before. I still hoped my doctor was around although it seemed unlikely so. When I got into the office, there were two young doctors. One, a tall Chinese guy who seemed so consumed in his work of drawing lines on my X-ray, and the other, a shorter guy with glasses whose signature went by Dr Bryan, a nervous guy he was.

Dr Bryan asked me questions and I answered as if I had heard those questions a million times before (I could swear it was up to a million). I told him about the sharp pain I'd get running down my thigh. He asked me if I get it often, I told him I had it twice that week. He went ouh. Mum asked if it was normal. He said no and shook his head. I wasn't worried, to be honest. At that moment I was so assured that nothing could break me. Only God could break me into pieces and make me whole again. So no, I wasn't the slightest bit worried. He irritated me, though. He asked the tall guy about the measurements and the tall guy simply noted that he only drew lines and that Dr Bryan was to measure it on his own. Dr Bryan stood up, measured it, sat back down and muttered, "20 degrees". My hopes were pretty high, then, because it would've meant that my spine was better, much better. And then...

Me: Is that the upper curve or lower curve?
Dr Bryan: Upper curve, of course. Lower curve is fixed. *stares at X ray again and turns to tall doctor* Hey, which curve did you draw on?
Tall Doctor: I don't know, I followed the old X-ray.

You gotta be kidding me. Well, they signed me up for Physiotherapy and gave me painkillers. Lots of painkillers. Don't know when I'll be needing those, I'm blessed with the ability to endure pain (ok, that's pretty morbid)...or should I say Mobic? Ahahaha, lame jokes coming!

I had to work on Monday. I said "had to" because it wasn't much of a choice. Mum's colleague had to go for a big meeting but she doesn't know how to use a laptop. Therefore, mum's boss decided to borrow me for the few hours. So, I was a PA/techie for a day (4 hours to be exact) and had to dress up like a pro for the meeting. Now, that was something new. Principals and teachers from other schools who were there thought I was a teacher as well. Haha, it worked! (whatever it was) I made RM20 in four hours! :D

Well, that is just halfway through. I've got more things to post about, for things seem to be happening quite often now. (I've got quite a few on my mind now but I'll save you the reading for later)

In the mean time, spread love like fire and God bless!

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