Friday, March 18, 2011

this kind of person

I'm the awkward girl who sits in the corner at parties, if ever you find me at a party. I like staying home on Friday nights.

I love my family to death. It doesn't matter how annoying my brother gets sometimes, the amount of love I have for him is unexplainable. He's the one person I would miss most when I go to college. I think my parents are amazing. I can honestly say they're cool and not feel ashamed about it. My sister is crazy and we are very different from one another, but God couldn't have chosen a better person to fit her role.

I love sitting outside to stare at stars or just the sky. I take tea in the evening and coffee at night, but never fail to sleep after. I choose comfort over beauty. I don't believe in the term "it takes pain to look beautiful". It takes love and acceptance.

Popularity never mattered to me. I don't feel the need to have many friends. When I look back and count the number of "friends" I've lost, they far outweigh the ones I keep but the ones I keep, I truly cherish. I can always say that my true friends really are true.

I always want to save the world and I start with the people around me, my friends especially.

I care probably more than I should have. I won't stop.

I love talking to myself. Well, most of the time I'm talking to Jesus. I know He's always there.

I get lost in my own world sometimes. I hope it doesn't make me a conceited person, I just feel like I'm better off.

I don't mind being called weird or a nerd.

I couldn't care less about "fitting in". The last thing I want to do is to pretend to be someone I'm not (when it's not even Halloween). This would just be hurtful to God.

I live by the moment. I don't like dwelling on the past. I don't like planning for the future. I never want to miss the present.

I love conversations. I love looking at people in the eye when they talk to me. I don't know how to dance. I don't know how to flirt and I most probably don't want to. I dress for Jesus and myself. I don't put on clothes to please anyone.

I love my body. It's not perfect. My stomach isn't flat but I couldn't care less. I have titanium in my spine and a curve on the upper side. I have a six-inch scar. Despite all of that, I love everything about this body God set my soul in. I wouldn't change a thing.

I'm hopeful but I try not to set expectations. That way, I don't have to be disappointed.

I've been single my entire life and I'm very happy about it. The only strong relationship I'm in is the one I have with God. I hope that when the time comes, the man who gets to hold me, had to seek God to get to me.

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