Saturday, March 5, 2011

magical hands

I forgot how amazing an author Neil Gaiman is. It takes a lot to impress me when it comes to books. Most authors lose me before I reach page 100 because I lose interest quite easily and would never reach the end. No, I admit I'm not a bookworm and I'm not an avid reader of fictional books but Neil Gaiman never lose me. I guess it's the kind of books he writes? It's always imaginative and dark and mysterious and out-of-this-world. Nothing ordinary or, even human.

Anyway, the reason why I'm suddenly blogging about this is because I've recently picked up reading books again (or at least a book). In the past few days, I've been reading Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book. It's about a boy whose family was murdered when he was just a baby and then was adopted by ghosts in the graveyard close to his house. He grew up in the graveyard, had a guardian, Silas, who was neither dead nor alive, who brought him food every time. The boy learned to do things the dead could do, see things the dead could see. It's a book you'd get lost in. I love it. I finished it lastnight. Yeah, I finished it, now that's something very rare!

I love the fact that my sister is such a bookworm. She buys tons of books and she leaves them here when she's done with them. I get to pick up whatever I wish. You should get more of Neil Gaiman's books, sis. He's got magical hands.

Speak of magical hands, I watched I Am Number Four on Tuesday with Mel and Ray. I loved it. The movie started off with Number 3 being killed. Right after he was killed, I whispered to Mel, "I love it already!" and then I turned back to the screen and Number 4 was on a jet ski, I quickly said, "I'm loving it even more!". Haha!

I think watching the movie kinda rubbed off some magical power on me too. I was psychic! I knew Number 6 was Number 6 before she said so.

They were showing a blond girl, sitting on the ground next to her bike and I thought to myself, "Who are you?" and then I imagined her say, "I am number 6."

True enough, when the movie almost ended, she said she was Number 6! Oh yeah, I'm psychic! (to prove this fact, there was no number 5 or 7 or 8 or 9 in the movie by the way) Maybe I could be Number 7? :D

Magical, glowing hands. Who would've thought of that?
Pretty useful in the dark, don't you think? ;)


  1. I have more, loads more of his books here with me!!!!!! :D

  2. You better bring them back! can you believe MPH doesnt even have a single book of his? not one!

  3. yeah, it is pretty hard to look for his books, actually. I still need 2 more of his books to complete my collection; Fragile Things and Stardust :)
