Saturday, September 17, 2011

a falling out we won't tiptoe about

A series of unexpected things happened this week. I felt like a psychopath. One second, I'm happy and the next, I'm weeping, next second I'm laughing, and then I'm wailing. Going insaaaaane!

Let's start off with the sad case of our missing Mr Tummy McBelly. A senior told me that he died on Tuesday. I was so shocked and I wailed and screamed in my room. Walked out the door and wailed again. It was a really sad moment and my mum didn't understand. She texted me saying, "Don't jiwang2 there la pip."

Mummy, you should be grateful I only cry over animals and not boys.

I miss you already, Tummy. You'll always be the best fat cat in the world! :'(

Moving on to more happy things, my English oral presentation is finally done! Our lecturer was so impressed by our presentations that he decided to make an example out of our class. I don't mean to brag, but wow, I'm so proud of my coursemates! Especially the ones who gave it a shot even when their English was poor. You guys did a good job!

Yesterday was Malaysia Day and oh my cow, was it a busy day for us here in UPM! Out of exhaustion, I kept shouting, "It's 16th of September, I'm supposed to have a holiday!" I don't know how you guys did it back in the peninsular side, but here... we sit back and relax.

So many events yesterday though, that I got a slight fever in the afternoon after being exposed to the rain in the morning. Which explains why I didn't go for the motivational talk that everyone said was 'fun'. Haha. Then we had to dress up and perform at night. I was wearing a cheongsam lastnight because our course's theme was Chinese.

"I look so Chinese!"

"You are Chinese!"

"Only a quarter!"

Too bad I don't have pictures on my phone. We had so much fun lastnight, though. Proud of Reyna for going on stage and doing her part of the performance! Our course got third place, over all, even though we weren't really serious about everything. Haha! My favourite part was when we completed our performance and immediately screamed backstage.

Still happy about how it all went down.
(moments before I fell asleep in Reyna's room lastnight)

Forgot how tired I was. Good thing I remembered to wash off the eye make-up. I would've woken up looking like a panda! But pandas are cool, too. They're black, they're white and they're Asian. Hahaha!

That's all for now. God bless everyone and remember to spread love like fire!

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