Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Things are shaping up to be pretty odd

Having my own tea time. I miss tea time at home! My tea has no sugar here. Also, I really miss Mr. Tummy! Haven't seen him since I got here two Saturdays ago. Where have you gone, my best fat cat in the world? Come back! I've got lots of food waiting for you.

Well, well, I've only got another week of class left. And then, it'll be study week. And then, the finals. AND THEN, (I feel like that annoying Chinese lady in Dude, Where's My Car) the semester is over! I'll be back in Kuching and driving like a boss. Okay, that was pretty shallow, that isn't really the only reason I can't wait to go back. I just really miss having my mum around to feed me and buying food for me and baby me like she does all her children. I'm good at taking care of myself, but it's pretty tiring being independent. Plus, I hate wondering, "What am I gonna eat today?"

I really miss reading, too. I want to pick up a Neil Gaiman and curl in the corner and imaaaaaagine. It's such a wonderful thing; being in two worlds when you're reading. Also, Neil Gaiman is the best author in the world! (well, to me, at least)

The weather in Bintulu has been pretty crazy lately. It gets really hot and then it rains, and then it stops and then when you're in the middle of nowhere, the rain pours oh so heavily and you have to run! Gah, I really need a new, folding umbrella. The old one was killed by the storm my first month here. My daddy would say, "Cheap no good, good no cheap" if he hears about this. Hahaha!

Mum called me lastnight to tell me about some college offers I've been receiving. MAHSA College offered Forensic Science, with a half scholarship. Tempting, but there is no way I'm leaving UPM. This, right here, is my dream coming true. I'm exactly where I want to be. I'm not gonna throw it away. I'm staying. :)

Oh, the Italian song is playing on my mp3 (yeah, I'm old school). I still can't get the lyrics straight but oh, what beautiful language coming from lips of beautiful people! I feel like laying on grass now.

Too bad the grass is wet out there :(

But oh well, I shall just..umm...sit in Reyna's room and stuff my face with food?

Yeah, that's not such a bad idea. I love visiting that girl! Cause... "Reyna hot!"

I should go now. Love you all and God bless!

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