Thursday, September 29, 2011

when the reds marched in

Finally got the pictures from dear Nabby!

But before I let you see them, I just have to say that I am glad everything is over now. Yesterday was a really long day and I managed to pull through. We did our final (really, our last one for this sem) presentation this morning and I am so proud of Tasha and Nad for doing such great jobs up there. All I have to do now is complete our report, hand it in and voila! No more distractions!

Anyway, here are the pictures from the 16th September event. There were way too many pictures, so I chose the ones that made me laugh. Also, the ones of me wearing cheong sam, cos my mum wants to see them! Our theme was Chinese. So yeah, be prepared for lots of red!

Making faces cos we're too school for cool

Simba! Before his haircut...

Mai's descendants! (sort of)

Watching the slipper-throwing competition

And tongues all around!

Daryl being the "silent killer" behind Reyna.
I can't stop laughing at how funny his expression was!

Going with the wind!

And at night, we had to perform and act on stage. We were so many things but let the pictures speak for themselves.

Priceless expressions!

Phen, Shevani and I wearing cheong sams!

Mai looked so adorable!

Reyna and Tasha practicing "tai chi"

Aiman, my brother from another mother.

Teehee, Byan. Goodbye, now!

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