Saturday, February 28, 2009


Yah, I went to the hospital after school. Ok, more like, after lunch which was after school. Wow, so many afters. Anyhoots, it was, as asual, a friggin LONG process. Que for sign in. Wait for my turn to get an x-ray. Wait for the x-ray to be handed to me. Wait for my turn to see the doctor. Not my usual doctors though. This guy, my sister knows him. It was a funny story. My mom just cracks me up sometimes.

Mom: Do you happen to know Karissa Kara?
Doctor: *looks down and blushes* Hmm...yeah, I know her. She's doing pharmacy, right?
Mom: Yes, Phoebe is her little sister.
Doctor: Oh, I see.

My mom was having a great time doing that! And he was really nice to me. I complained about the pains I've been having and he offered to give me some medicine, pain killers or something. I said ''Nope" and my mom explained to him how I hate taking painkillers, even when I was fresh out of the hospital last year. He said, "Oh, that's good. How bout some cream you can rub on that sore back?" And guess what! He gave me three of that and they're free!

Okay, good job, mom! But I dont really like putting cream or anything on my skin. I mean, I dont even use facial cream at all. Anyhoots! I promised my friends that I would take a picture of my x-ray and post it. So, here you go! Crazy whicked stuff.

Kara: You should get a boyfriend with the name Edward or something. It's so cool how your screws make the letter E.
Phoebe: WATF? Edward? That's such an old English name. Even Jacob is better!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Scoliosis Update

Right, so, um, I had surgery last year on October 30th. Apparently, it was a success. I mean, look at me! I'm practically the same, well, probably a little more psychotic than I was but, I'm up and walking. I didnt turn into a vegetable (the possibility). I do kinda have memory loss every now and then. My aunt warned me about this. But it is fuuuuun! xD

"Oh no! I got amnesia attack again!"

I had an appointment last month. I dont remember what day exactly (amnesia attack!) , but I went to the hospital to check out my x-ray. Duuuude, it was mother insane how it looked. I got titanium rods and screws and "fulcrum?" on or around (whatever) my spine. Sad thing I was so messed up, I didnt have a camera phone and I didnt take a pic of it. No, I dont get to bring my x-ray back. Darn you, general hospital rule!

Anyhoots! I have another appointment tomorrow in the afternoon after school. I'm way awesome now I got a phone with a camera (some show off bastard!). Aaaaaand! I'll do my best to take a snap at it.

*Grins at doctor*
Doctor: Yes, Phoebe? Do you have a question you wana ask about your back?
Phoebe: Yah! Can I take a picture? *points at x-ray*

Go, Adam!

I was really looking forward for American Idol this week cos Adam is performing. Adam! The only one left for me to root for. I was so disappointed when friggin Astro didnt show AI lastnight.

*Holds remote real tight while reading the info*
6.00-6.30p.m. The Simpsons
6.30-7.00p.m. That 70's Show
"What the fiiiiiiiiish? Maybe it's at seven."
*Stares at the tv*
And then the tv went, "Don't panic. American Idol will continue on tomorrow night...yadayada..."
"What?! Dammit... Mami! It's tomorrow night!"

I really wana watch Adam sing! I love that amahzingly talented and might-be-gay dude. It's insane how he can reach the high notes. Gurjit thought he sounded pretty girly but I dont give a sheep. Adam Lambert is awesome possum! :D

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday, I'm back!

I couldnt come online the whole weekend cos I had to go back to my grandparents. Grampa fell ill and well, it was pretty serious so, you know why we had to go. Stayed there for 2 nights. And we got back here today at like, 2.30pm?

That Friday, I planned to finish all my work at my grandparents, but guess what? I brought all my books (so heavy) pencil case or calculator! Imagine how crazy I went trying to complete my addmath homework. I was practically screwed. Only got to answer one question.

When I got back, ran upstairs and did my addmath. Wow, Question1: b, c, d, e, f. Took me an hour to complete. One hour, dude... And they were all correct only because I reffered to the answers and tried to find my way there. Dont even get me started on Question2. I copied the question but hah, didnt even bother trying to answer it. Screwness.

It's been such a hot day today. I've an ulcer on my bottom lip. Wanna kiss it off for me, babe? Bhahahaha! Cough syrup is kickin in...

Friday, February 20, 2009


As most of you know, I'm in a single sex school. And lately, there's been so much drama going on with my class. I hate this. We tried to mind our own business and even though we were pissed, we kept quiet anyway and calmed each other down.

But what really ticked me off was that 'somebody' dragged us into the whole drama. Now you're gona make us get bad testimonials for next year and after high school. I am so sick of this. This is exactly what I've been trying to avoid ever since I got here and found out my parents were sending me to an all girls school. This never would've happened if it was a mixed school. Forgive me, but that's the fact.

I miss St. Columba so much. No drama has ever happened so bad that made me so pissed off every single day I go to and come back from school. Sometimes, no, most of the time, it effects my studies. I would be so mad, I wont be able to study or focus at all. Take today for instance, she went too far. Got us involved. My girls think the teacher might be on their side. But the thing is, she never heard our side of the story. It is so unfair; all the early judgements. I dont really care about the girl. She can do anything she wants, for all I care, but getting us into this mess is just wrong.

After all this drama is solved, I might actually consider to move out of the school. It's just too much for me to handle. I've been through so much and this could just turn me into a volcanoe and for all I know, everybody is gona burn once I erupt.

(This blog means no offence towards my current school, dont take it personally. I just couldnt believe things like this can actually happen to me. I'm not the kind of student who would ever get involved in any drama in school. Just ask anyone from my previous school. They know me best.)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

MMM: My Mcas Moments

MMM 1.
Phoebe: *dramatic cry* Michael!!! Garh! All there's left for me now is Adam and Casey.
Casey forgot her lyrics. I like Casey, but I'd rather she went out instead of Michael.
Michelle: Phoby, you'd rather anyone went out instead of Michael!

MMM 2.
I grabbed a St. Teresa Diary from Michelle's side, "This your diary, Miccchelle?"
Michelle: Ya, I found it yesterday. What are you writing? Is this about Michael Castro?
Phoebe: No.
Michelle: Jason Castro?
Phoebe: No, I dont really like Jason's music. He makes me sleepy.
Michelle: So which Castro is it?
Phoebe: This one's got nothing to do with the Castros!
Michelle: Well Phoby! Lately, everything in your life revolves around the Castros!

MMM 3.
We were in the Chemistry lab (CHEMISTRYYY!) and Alfonso was explaining about stuff he wrote on the white board. I turned around to read them and there was an initial there. MC.
Phoebe: Oooooh! Michael Castro!
Michelle: What? Where?
Phoebe: MC. *grins*
Michelle: *Looks at whiteboard* Owh! *dissapointed* PHOBY!

MMM 4.
Phoebe: Holy bleep. Look! Ray deformed my Michael Castro.
Michelle: Haaaah! *her weird laugh*
Ray: How do you know I was the one who did it?
Phoebe: Come on, Ray! You're the deforminator, everyone knows that!
Ray: Heyyy...he still looks hot!
what-the-fish, Ray?

Redo: Torn.

This was done lastnight, 18.02.09. Featuring Milkyway, my fat gangsta cat, yo! He's probably thinking of food when he saw my phone and the fact that I'm singing to it. Baha, Milk. Funny. He talks to his food in his mind. He thinks I'm like him. And, yes, I do read cats' minds. All vets and vet-wannabes should be able to do so. Or at least think they can ;)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

putting me down, again.

We all sat for our Addmath quizzes last week. Chapter One and Chapter Two. Since our teacher is kinda mental(in a good way), she gave us the chapter 2 paper first. And we sat for Chapter 1 the next day. Yesterday, (valentines> screwness) we received our papers. I got 8/10 for Chapt1 and 7/15 for Chapt2. I was a little excited cos I love addmath and I was getting used to it. When my mom, my grandparents and my bro came to pick me up, I told my mom about it. Guess what?

"7 over 15?? That's a fail!"

WHAT! At least I scored SOMETHING! Half of the class got zeroes. Some got 1. Only 2 scored full marks. And my teacher said 7 is good, seeing as it's only our first time at the subject.

Lastnight, when I texted my sister, she jokingly called me "useless" and I said "Whaaaat?" and she told me that my mom said I was having trouble with addmath. I WASNT ANYMORE! So I talked to my mom about that this morning during breakfast, my mom started lecturing me about how doctors MUST have at least a credit for addmath. And she also said it in my face that my sister's friend (who failed her addmath paper) had to repeat another semester. HOLY GIRAFFE I WANTED TO BITE THE TABLE LISTENING TO THAT! She talks about my addmath as if I'm so effkin hippo dumb at it!

And what's worse was that, last week, she said my bro is smarter than I am. At first, I thought she only said that to lift my bro's confidence up. But no. She turned to me and said, "I wonder what you would have gotten if you never studied."

She was saying that my bro scored 3A's in UPSR and he never studied. UPSR! Dude, that was mother cake easy! While me, on the other hand, I have to study so hard in order to score good results in PMR. What she didnt know?! I did not study for the five subjects I got A for. The only subjects I studied so hard for was History and Geography. And if scoring B for studying Form1, 2 and 3 all in a few months time is not enough, then HEC I DONT KNOW WHAT IS !

She puts in a hell lot of pressure on me. Has no idea how much pain I go through. When I started studying so hard last year, I thought she would notice and stop calling me "lazy'. But no. She thinks I'm dumb for not scoring straight A's. WHAT ON EARTH IS WRONG HERE?! Why cant she appreciate what I do? Nothing I do is ever enough. I'm just a kid for heaven's sake!

And now, my back is starting to hurt again trying to study so much. I think I could only die to ever be the best in her eyes. I guess I'm just going to do things without her support.

But I still love my mom no matter how much she hurts me.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

effects of my obsession.

I listen to Michael Castro sing This Boy every night before I go to bed. Yes, it is him I am obsessed with. Insane dude. Hilarious, too. And his voice? Dead impressive! The song was originally sang by James Morisson (wrong spelling? I dont know). But I LOVE when Michael sings it. He does a wayyy better job at this. And the effects it has on me? This video shall explain...

Valentine's Day 09

So! It's the first V-day I had since I moved here. (This city still sucks in my eyes) Aaaaand...I hate this. School was not my favorite place to be in. And it's a Saturday. How sleepy was I in class. Especially in Chemistry, cos Alfonso (as we like to call him) was soft as ever. Explaining the formula. I was just sitting there, pissed and mumbling at the fan for blowing my hair into a mess. Of course, I didnt get caught, cos Alfonso couldnt see me from the corners of his eyes. And being on top of that platform? I dont think so, Alfonso!

When the bell rang, oh holy giraffe I was friggin relieved! Rushed to the church and there were boys around, all dressed in casual. St Jo boys. Bet they were there to check out girls. And as I was walking my way to the gate, I bumped into this couple. Dude, I was like the lonely girl surrounded by all the other girls who get a guy and a bouquet. How pathetic. I miss St Co a whole damn lot! Hafreez told me what happened. Read his blog. Gah! I made him promise me he'll take more pictures. Keep me from forgetting how awesome possum my previous school was and still is.

Baked tons of cupcakes when I got home. Covered them with chocolate and decorated them with pink icing. Yes, I shall show you the pics. Aaaand, one of the videos I made lastnight while everyone was out. Yeah, you guessed it. I was bored out of my skull. Anyways, enjoyy!

As I said it in my friendster profile, they're all smileys because no one deserves my heart (the one Aleen has is my crazy part). Bahahaha!

This one's specially made for my mad-ass sister. I know you love me, ka!

This is me, singing You Found Me by The Fray. Dont be too hard on me. This is no serious issue. I was just bored, I told you.