Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day 09

So! It's the first V-day I had since I moved here. (This city still sucks in my eyes) Aaaaand...I hate this. School was not my favorite place to be in. And it's a Saturday. How sleepy was I in class. Especially in Chemistry, cos Alfonso (as we like to call him) was soft as ever. Explaining the formula. I was just sitting there, pissed and mumbling at the fan for blowing my hair into a mess. Of course, I didnt get caught, cos Alfonso couldnt see me from the corners of his eyes. And being on top of that platform? I dont think so, Alfonso!

When the bell rang, oh holy giraffe I was friggin relieved! Rushed to the church and there were boys around, all dressed in casual. St Jo boys. Bet they were there to check out girls. And as I was walking my way to the gate, I bumped into this couple. Dude, I was like the lonely girl surrounded by all the other girls who get a guy and a bouquet. How pathetic. I miss St Co a whole damn lot! Hafreez told me what happened. Read his blog. Gah! I made him promise me he'll take more pictures. Keep me from forgetting how awesome possum my previous school was and still is.

Baked tons of cupcakes when I got home. Covered them with chocolate and decorated them with pink icing. Yes, I shall show you the pics. Aaaand, one of the videos I made lastnight while everyone was out. Yeah, you guessed it. I was bored out of my skull. Anyways, enjoyy!

As I said it in my friendster profile, they're all smileys because no one deserves my heart (the one Aleen has is my crazy part). Bahahaha!

This one's specially made for my mad-ass sister. I know you love me, ka!

This is me, singing You Found Me by The Fray. Dont be too hard on me. This is no serious issue. I was just bored, I told you.

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