Monday, November 9, 2009

I want foof

When I hopped into the car after school today, mom told me that daddy's coming home. I immediately thought, "Oh, no! My pets! My Neopets!"

Dad likes to believe that online games (like Neopets), can kill the PC. Strange, indeed. He's got wild imaginations, that man. I think that's where I got mine. But mine's a hell lot worse.

I cant handle reading scary books but I love watching scary movies. I blame my imaginations.

Anyhoots, back to my story...

So, dad's back and I have to fight for the modem with him. Again. And I cant get on Neopets cause he would go, "Haaah!" (I can so sound like him)

About Neopets, I dont remember how I started playing it. All I know is this; I love cartoons and I love animals, especially weird ones that can read. And all three of my pets LOVE to read. They kept telling me to buy more books. So I was online up til 4.30 a.m. spending thousands of Neopoints, buying books for them. Sometimes I think I'd rather live in Neopia. I'd earn 6000 NP a day by playing silly games. Dodge the ice cream. Haha! I got tons of Neopoints from doing just that! :D

Right now, as I type this, daddy's behind me watching football. I shouldnt have told him that Chelsea beat Manchester United. He's hogging the TV waiting for repeats. I have no problem with that, but I do have a problem with him being behind me and the fact that I cant get on playing games!

Ah, I heard Vidic! On the bench... Predictions... Oh, the repeat! Great. Just great.

Let's pray daddy gets real tired after driving all day and walks upstairs to sleep, shall we?

Dear Father...

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