Saturday, October 16, 2010

soundtracks to our lives

Thursday, I came to school earlier than I recently have. As I was taking that long walk to my classroom, I chased after Jay, who was a good 7 meters away from me. The girl walks fast. I was tired of walking really fast, so I decided to chirp repeatedly, hoping I would capture her attention. I did! :D She turned and gave me this look which practically said I'm crazy for having the energy to do this this time of day.

We both went to Science 3 after that. Jay wanted to see if Theresa was around and I, well, I just love being around Ray, Theresa, Sheryl and I could go on and say all their names, but I dont have the typing skills, so I wont :)

Theresa wasnt there, yet (we hoped). I dont know how we started talking about Jared Leto and how shocked we were to find him with a pink mohawk. We all agreed it looked pretty cool, though.

Ray never knew this until we mentioned it. I told her I first saw the mohawk in their video but forgot how the song went. She asked me for the title and all I could come up with was, "Something the edge". Ray went straight to rockstar mode and sang it out. Oh, dear God, I love Ray. "Closer to the edge!", she stopped and excitedly screamed the title out. And we went yeahh that's it!

She started talking about this other 30 Seconds to Mars track which she loves, This Is War. She told me to listen to it. She said she could just drown in it every time but in a good way, it was like the soundtrack to her life. She could feel herself standing in a crowd of people and the band is playing just a few feet from her.

Soundtracks to our lives. I was reminded of my own. Jimmy Eat World's Work. She started jumping out of her seat and went, "Oh I remember that song, it's so good. How did it go again?" We spent the next few minutes trying to sing it. We finally got it when Sheryl arrived and asked, "What are you guys trying to sing?" Hahaha...

Well, here, I'll show you both of ours :)

This is War by 30 Seconds to Mars. I knew Ray has such great taste in music. We both love them without having one another to instill that love. (You know how some only love a certain kind of music after a friend tells them to) Doesnt happen here. It's one of the reasons why we're so close :)

Work by Jimmy Eat World. This song puts a smile on my face every time I listen to it, from start to finish. I could close my eyes and listen to the sound of the guitar in the intro and you'll see a smile carved on my face. The lyrics, make me reminisce the good times I had in Miri. I miss it and this song brings it all back somehow.

So, what's the soundtrack to your life? ;)

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