Friday, November 5, 2010

I'll take that as a compliment

I was never fond of my current school, perhaps because it was not an environment I grew up studying in, what with it being an all-girl school and all. I remember the day I first walked its grounds (exactly 32 months ago), I kept longing for the day I would leave. Everything was uncomfortable for me; the classrooms, the girls, the tomboys, the absence of boys, the food. Everything. I never thought I would survive the short past years. I was so used to being in a co-ed school and now, this sudden change? But I did and I kinda like it.

One time, C screamed in class and asked if anyone has a pad. I immediately thought to myself, "Never in a co-ed school would you ever hear that one!"

Everyone has an open mind and everyone is comfortable being who they are, and by "who they are" I mean being a girl and going through what girls go through, without ever feeling embarrassed :)

How I've changed since St. Teresa?

For starters, I have adopted the act of aimless hugging. Believe it or not, I was always uncomfortable with hugging or holding hands or anything that requires the sense of touch when it comes to expressing feelings. I would always use my words; the old-fashion way. I had a somewhat 'cold' heart and now, the heart has melted. And I cant stop hugging!

I am spiritually stronger. I'm surrounded, everyday, by friends who have close relationships with God. These people are not even the slightest bit ashamed of it. What moves me, really, is the fact that we are of different religions and we openly talk about it together. I have Muslim friends who are always genuinely happy to hear me talk about the miracles I've heard, read about or have seen. All this makes me feel blessed because racism doesnt rise here.

I learned to speak my mind. I used to always bottle things up. Now, I stopped holding them in and letting them eat me up. Instead, I let them out and I let go, which is a lot healthier, I must say. Especially since I'm an over-sensitive and emotionally fragile person. I still do cry, but crying is good too; it's another way of letting go :)

Most importantly, I am more of a girl than I ever have been. I dont think that would make much sense to anyone but myself. I cant really explain it but I do know that I'm beginning to love girly things that I used to despise before. Oh, dresses!

I plan to hunt for a yellow dress this Christmas.
Cant wait!

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