Sunday, November 21, 2010

will you lend me a healing hand?

My back hurt really bad yesterday, I couldnt pay much attention to the words I was supposed to read in the history book. So, I decided to turn in early and went to bed.

Woke up this morning and felt like crying. I hate mornings like that. I stretched here and there but still no relief. I finally got up and brushed my teeth. While I was at it, I let myself think I was fine and there was no back pain. My body believed it for a second, so I managed to study while mum and dad read the newspapers. But an hour later, it was again, hard to study. The pain came back :(

Everyone was busy then and I had to massage my own back. Sad. It was hard and weird but I got used to it. Thank God for ketoprofen gels!

I can always massage my own back and shoulders but here's the thing, I cant keep stopping and squeeze my super stiff shoulders every time I write essays during the exams. And I have essays for every subject. Three weeks of exam sounds really crazy when I think of my back.

Sometimes I wish I could cut myself up, take my scoliotic spine out of my body and stretch it out with my bare hands. Okay, I know I know. Enough morbid thoughts. Darn you, physical pain.

I'm going insane here. I need Sheryl's magical healing hands.

Wait, no. God, I need yours!

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