Monday, December 21, 2009

This Holiday

I gotta say, this must be the best holiday ever! I'm actually excited for Christmas. This doesnt happen ever so often because before, we would usually have to drive for ten hours from Miri to Kuching and have absolutely no friends to visit.

Well, now I guess that is one of the pros of living in Kuching, aye? Friends to visit and to hang with when you get bored.

I dont remember ever getting bored this holiday. I've got the game I love and am totally hooked on. I've got the DVD's to watch, all four complete seasons of Supernatural, baby! And I've got a driver. Make that two drivers. Both my sis and Kiddy.

Mom's cool with everything, as long as she doesnt have to drive us around. Haha! She was even cool with me getting hooked on The Sims 3 while she was baking cookies. smells really good, I tell ya!

Oh! And mom totally approved on my wanting to go for drum lessons next year :D I'm so stoked! Just need to get a pair of drumsticks. Asked Kiddy how much that would cost and he started talking sizes and types. I sat there nodding my head cluelessly. He also said that I'd get blisters and crusty skin from holding drumsticks too long. I dont mind it at all. Because hey, I can live with bruises and a six inch scar near my ribs, I can bear blisters anytime :D

About the only thing that's out of place this holiday is the fact that Yayo has been missing for 4 nights and 3 days. I am still counting. I miss that furry thing. Last time I saw him, he was sleeping on the couch next to me while I was playing TS3. Guess the music soothed him.

Pray to God he'll come home unharmed (and probably hungry, too) . We'd be ready to give you food and milk, Yayo. Just come home :)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

I'm not the typical blusher-lipgloss-mascara-makeup-crazy kind of girl.

Friday, December 11, 2009


raindrops keep falling on my head,
they keep falling...

That song creeps me out. The only reason I'm singing it right now is because I'm bored out of my skull, sitting here just waiting for mom to come home so she can send me to Theresa's house. Let me play already! And I am so hungry I could eat this whole house.

Just texted sis. Asked if she's gonna make it before Christmas. (yes, my wife, I stole your best line) Bahahahaha!

Okay! I think somebody's at the gate !


Teng, here I come !

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hello, December

I guess it was worth it
having you right next to me
just like old times

When we both tore that paper
I couldnt help but think of how far apart we have grown
But I was so glad
You're back to your old self

Reckless and clumsy
Talkative and funny
So senseless

Your jokes never made sense
but they made me laugh
Probably because I was knocked out of my senses too

I wish to stay asleep

Because in reality,
you make me sick to my stomach
Funny how time have the ability to change people

I hate the person you have become

Such a shame
You're a smart boy
I think it's time you act like one

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

staring at the sun

"You took everything while I was staring at the sun."

The only thing about this is my mom's reflection on the window...

St. Joseph's Cathedral

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ninja attack

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Tokiwado !

Have you ever had a tokiwado in your life?
I sure havent... Up till today.

My sis came home with her friend...
Kara: Pip, you want? Tokiwado.
Me: What?
Vanessa: Here, tokiwado ah? We cant find anything else.
Me: Are you guys speaking Japanese now?

Oh, what a discovery! I never knew what these things were called. I mean, I only go to Magic Bite for the waffles. Mmm, waffles... And if I ever decided I'd have these things, I'd just point at them and go, "I want that!"
And I never did decide I want them...

So far, I've eaten two tokiwados. And I dont like them. But they're still here, on the table, right next to the CPU, waiting for me to munch on them. Let's just keep them here anyway.
I figured they'd all be in my tummy by the end of this hour...

Thursday, November 12, 2009


I am currently eating a bun. Not just any bun. It's the Jolly Bee bun! It's massive and it's sweet and it's got nice yellow crumbs on it. Mmmm... Almost choked on it while trying to get online. Curse you mother trucking streamyx.

Along with 200 plus unlucky students, I had to come to school today for the prize giving ceremony. While Ray stayed home sleeping. How convenient is that thought?

I was falling asleep just 40 minutes after it started. So I decided to sit up straight. Clapped my hands even when I'm not supposed to. And when it was my turn to get up on stage, I was alive again. Grab the thing and baaam!
I was gone.

Mom: Let me take a picture of you.
Me: *stands there smiling like a squirrel*
Mom: Ok. Not so clear. Can you go? I wanna go.
Me: I gotta go to the toilet. Wait for me.
Mom: Ok, I'll wait. *starts to walk back in to the hall*
Me: No, no. Here's the plan. Go downstairs and wait for me. I'll go to the other side and tell the teacher I need to go to the toilet. And when I'm done, I'll meet you downstairs.

That plan worked out very well. I should be a ninja agent or something :D
And the prize I got was the weirdest thing ever.

I mean, it looks like this

I dont even know what to call it. It looks like it came from outer space.
Or maybe it's a space shuttle.
Does St. Teresa have a space shuttle?!!

The gun doesnt work

I figured; since I cant shoot you, I'll turn you into a vampire.
That way, Taycob would be disgusted (:

Monday, November 9, 2009

That was quick!


or, in Ray's term,


Dad turned off the TV and started scraping some kind of metal. I mean, that's what it sounded like. And if that were the case, mom would go berzerk if he messed up the living room.
After 5 minutes of scraping metal, he finally walked upstairs and said the magic word.


I shall show you pictures of my genius pets now...

This is my oldest pet, Bl4ze910. (Blaze910) Cos he's blazin'

This is 0llie540. I created him last Saturday.

And my latest addition! Medison_brother.
Dont ask me why his name is like that. I wonder, too.
I adopted him from the pound. His last owner must've gone nuts.
He's an alien by the way. He's so different from Blaze and Ollie.

I want foof

When I hopped into the car after school today, mom told me that daddy's coming home. I immediately thought, "Oh, no! My pets! My Neopets!"

Dad likes to believe that online games (like Neopets), can kill the PC. Strange, indeed. He's got wild imaginations, that man. I think that's where I got mine. But mine's a hell lot worse.

I cant handle reading scary books but I love watching scary movies. I blame my imaginations.

Anyhoots, back to my story...

So, dad's back and I have to fight for the modem with him. Again. And I cant get on Neopets cause he would go, "Haaah!" (I can so sound like him)

About Neopets, I dont remember how I started playing it. All I know is this; I love cartoons and I love animals, especially weird ones that can read. And all three of my pets LOVE to read. They kept telling me to buy more books. So I was online up til 4.30 a.m. spending thousands of Neopoints, buying books for them. Sometimes I think I'd rather live in Neopia. I'd earn 6000 NP a day by playing silly games. Dodge the ice cream. Haha! I got tons of Neopoints from doing just that! :D

Right now, as I type this, daddy's behind me watching football. I shouldnt have told him that Chelsea beat Manchester United. He's hogging the TV waiting for repeats. I have no problem with that, but I do have a problem with him being behind me and the fact that I cant get on playing games!

Ah, I heard Vidic! On the bench... Predictions... Oh, the repeat! Great. Just great.

Let's pray daddy gets real tired after driving all day and walks upstairs to sleep, shall we?

Dear Father...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Dont sneeze on your pet

That has GOTTA be the most random headline ever. It was on yahoo. An article about how your cats can get Swine Flu, too. What the fish?

And then they talked about Big Foot. No, sadly, this has nothing to do with the pig bandits. These people formed an organization and called themselves "the Sasquatch Watch members". Yes. Mean, indeed. Why would they call such an awesome creature a sasquatch? On the article, they talked about some Big Foot sightings.

How awesome!

I wanna go hunt Big Foot, too! I promise I wont shoot him dead and make a video about my discovery; "Big Foot hanged himself cos he lacked attention and suffered from depression." (yet another random headline)

And then there was an article about T-Rex's ancestors. Scientists discovered a new dinosaur. I told you they're not extinct, they were just hiding!


Thanks to swine flu attacking cats, Big Foot's awesomeness and T-Rex's ancestors, I now forgot what I wanted to post originally.


"I just want to be normal, for once in my life !"

A day (or two) in my shoes

On Tuesday, Sara took my RM5 note and I didnt wanna keep my eyes off her. She tried to distract me.

Sara: *points behind me* Taylor Lautner!
Me: This is Malaysia. He's all the way in America.
Sara: Taylor and Taylor! (Lautner and Swift)
Me: *grits teeth* I wanna shoot that girl.
Sara: Do it.

I kept my eyes on Sara and formed a gun with my right hand. Pointed it behind me and BAM BAM BAM!

Me: Did I get her?
Sara: Nope, you got the wrong Taylor.
Me: Oh no, Taycob! Oh well... He's a werewolf. He heals. Let me try again. BOOM BOOM BOOM! Now?
Sara: You shot Theresa.
Me: She's a soldier of Christ. She heals too! :D
Sara: Gimme a piece of that cake and you get your RM5 ! *points at my tupperware*
Me: TATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA! *using a machine gun this time* Did I get her?
Sara: You got everything but her.
Me: Argh! Tell me where to point!
Sara: Turn your gun 180 degrees.
Me: ... but that's gonna hit me!

And the moral of this story; Dont let Sara teach you anything. And dont lend me a gun.

Yesterday we arrived at Spring and stopped at the entrance. Sara placed her bag near the fake coconut tree and fixed something. I stared at the grass.

Me: Oh. Fake grass. Cant smoke that.
Ray: Haiyo. Fake kepala tree. Cant climb that.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

This obsession stepped up a notch

It was really cold that night and so I bathe in warm water. In the middle of the bath, I thought of what Theresa said the other day when I told her I was gonna take a shower.

"You wanna feel the warmth of water since you cant have Jacob or Paul eh?"
Only thing is, I wasnt showering in warm water that day.

But this time I was. And I burst out in song. Ended up making a very random song about Jake and Paul.

I call this, "Dont Start"

Didn't test the water, I just
Just jumped right in
Thought to myself
This could have been
Just how Jake and Paul woulda feel like

do do da do...

These werewolves,
They've got the perfect grin
such a short temper
Oh, hey, Paul
Dont hurt Jake

You dont want me to start
Into wolves like you two
Cos I dont wanna rip outta my clothes
Cos I wont look nearly as hot as you boys do

Monday, November 2, 2009

A First

I was having trouble with my faith. I sinned. And my guilt hit me hard. I know everyone is a sinner, and everyone does it, but how many truly realizes God's pain? I had a tough week, brutally killing myself over my guilt. I thought of all the sins I've committed, I thought of all those times I hurt God. He must have suffered so much.

"They may be small. But pile them all up and they make a mountain."

I poured my heart out to Theresa. All my questions and worries. I knew she would understand and I knew she wouldnt judge me. I trusted her views when it comes to Christianity. And I always will. The fact that she's an Evangelist and I'm a Catholic never matters to me. After all, we are all equal in God's eyes.

She invited me to come to Youth with her. It was on a Saturday night. Knowing my house rules, I wasnt allowed to go out at night. We both prayed that my mom would let this slip. Our prayers were answered.

Really, this was the first time I had ever been to a youth gathering. The first time I had ever gone for a Bible study. I was nervous. I didnt know what to expect. Theresa told me not to worry and to just be myself.

The first person I met was Nathanael. He was very friendly.
And then I met Phoebe, she was friendly too.
And Sarah, Disney, Alicia, Daniel.
Everyone was open.
My nerves went away.
But I was still quiet and shy.

Before youth started, I went out for dinner with Theresa and three of the new people I just met. Sarah, the leader, whose driving reminds me of my sister's, which is exciting. Phoebe, whose red hair I adore and made me wonder if she was still schooling. And Daniel, the boy with the dorky smile, who loves chillies.

Phoebe wondered if the waiter was Korean cause he looked like one. I wondered if he could dance. And then we all came to the conclusion that all Koreans can dance. Haha!

When we were back, everyone gathered in a room to pray and sing praise together. I didnt know any of the songs, so I stood and watch. Reening lead praise and worship. He had so much spirit. Everyone did. Most of them closed their eyes and tilted their heads up to heaven and sang their hearts out to God. At that moment, I wished I knew the songs so I could do the same.

When Theresa officially introduced me to everyone, they turned to me.
Everyone: Hi Phoebe!
Sarah: She is one of the THREE Phoebes here.
Someone: Really?
Sarah: One is Phoebe, Ben's cousin. Then, Phoebe this red hair one. And Phoebe...?
Theresa: Simon.
Sarah: Phoebe Simon!
Everyone: Aaahh...

These people inspired me. They have so much faith and knowledge in God. Watching and listening to them pray, sing and talk about God made me smile. They keep God's words in their hearts and they're not afraid to show it. They are happy and content. Joyful. That's the right word. One of the gifts of the spirit. One I long to have, too :)

"Remember to welcome strangers into your homes. There were some who did that and welcomed angels without knowing it."
- Hebrews 13:2

Dress Up and Mess Up

I was bored out of my skull but I just wont leave the computer. So I looked up for online games. The easy, lame ones. I started playing 5 games at a time and searched for more.

I found this Twilight Couple dress up. You can do whatever the hell you want with Bella and Edward. Awesome. This is my chance! :D

This is how they initially look like.
Hey, Rob looks better in 2D!

I had to do it. Muahaha!

Now, I gave Rob a tan and teased Kristen's hair.
This has gotta be their best look so far!

Dare to be stupid and try the game.
Twilight Vampire Couple

Have fun, people. I know I certainly did...


My all time fave skate brand :)

Never wanna leave a single scratch...

Had to take the wheels, bolts and risers out.

In need of a new set of trucks -_-"

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Deck Hunting

10:38 P.M.
My deck went missing.
"Mummy where is it ?"

It's supposed to be right next to the fish tank. With the bolts and the riser and everything.

10: 40 P.M.
Went to the laundry place and it wasnt there.
Took the broom and gave it to mom.

10:43 P.M.

Haha! I shall have this all to myself. Kavan went off to sleep at cousin's place.

10:50 P.M.
A-hah! Found my deck! It's in the store. Whaaat the?
Time to take more pictures! :D

Alongside the sun

It was 6.22 p.m. on 10th October and I was washing the dishes. Looked out the kitchen window and saw the ray of light. I just had to stop and take a picture!

I had the most fun snapping pictures of mom's daisies. They're so pretty!

This reminds me so much of a picture of Drew from NeverShoutNever.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Char Kueh Tiaw Remedy

First and foremost, I'd like to take this moment to thank our Father in heaven and my biological daddy, for not taking the modem along with him while he goes traveling around Miri. I would've dropped on the floor and shape-shift if I couldnt go online for two whole weeks and Teng tells me that my farm animals have died. Good thing there's no such thing as 'death' in the game.

Teachers stopped teaching since Monday. So we were constantly apek-ing around in class. Dont get me started.

We were in the Biology lab today and Pucheng (Michelle) was giving Ah Faas (Sara) the Apek Liscence Test. Ray was writing something, I thought she had to retake the test, since she failed yesterday. Haha! Teng was reading Sara's book, the one she stole from her, as always... Sheryl was reading a pretty morbid book, it made her stomach twist but she kept on reading anyway. I rested my head on the table and I felt like puking.

This happens whenever I'm hungry.

I was craving for Kueh Tiaw goreng. That was very apek of me... And then I thought to myself, "You know what would taste nicer? What? Char Kueh Tiaw! OHHH!!!"

The last time I had an awesome char kueh tiaw was when Teng brought some to school. So I asked her where the shop was.

She drew me a map.

I couldnt wait for my mom to pick me up from school and tell her, "Mummy! I want char kueh tiaw!"

Oh, the joy! We found the place. But sadly, the guy told us, "Char kueh finish already"

So we ended up eating kueh tiaw goreng. My original choice. Aiya, never got to feed the char kueh tiaw monster in me... ("-.-)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Going Wolf

Aouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu !

So I went wolf hunting. Here's the cast for the New Moon wolf pack.
Brace yourselves!

(from the left) Paul, Sam Uley, Jared and Embry.

Nope, Quil is not in this poster. Or any other wolf pack poster for all that matters. Probably cos he doesnt have the body, but it's okay, Quil. You can stay on the side and cheer.

Leader of the pack and the so called Alpha; Sam Uley
Played by Chaske Spencer

The mean and bad-tempered Paul
Played by Alex Meraz

Hot, aye. Like wtf right? I used to hate Paul for being mean to Jake but heck, I change my mind.

The other big guy; Jared.
Played by Bronson Pelletier

Jake's bestfriend and the new comer; Embry
Played by Kiowa Gordon

Another one of Jake's man; Quil
Played by Tyson Houseman

G-g-g-g-gotta watch this ! (unless if you dont like spoilers)

Sweating Bullets

My heart stopped pounding...
Air wouldnt get into my lungs...
Oxygen wont mix with haemoglobins...

What the nerd?


I opened up yahoo and this was on the screen

*gasp for air like a loony*

And then...

When I clicked on "Scene from New Moon"

This was on...

Shit, Jake, you are wayyyy too hot for this.




Oh, dont glare at me like that. You're driving me insane !

Like I wasnt already...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

skaters, not hooligans

Almost everyone think of skaters as major punks who don't give a shit about anything except tearing up places. You see someone on a skateboard or just walk with a skateboard, you think, "Oh, he's up to no good. Get security. Get security quick!"

Come on, get it straight. Skaters skate cos they love it. Why would you bust a skater and not a cyclist? They're both practically doing the same thing. Just cruising around. Just because it's on a simple board with wheels and it wasn't created by Baron von Drais, doesnt mean it's harmful.

It's harmful to us, of course. We're the ones that fall and scrape our knees. But it as heck isnt harmful to anyone else. So why the stress?

Anyway, to all Malaysian skaters out there. There's a Cancer Awareness you can skate for. Check this out. Go to

And to everyone.

Still think skaters are hooligans?

Monday, October 19, 2009

Baby Yayo Pondan

So I've been living with a sissy cat. He belongs to my sister. He initially was my dad's birthday present but Yayo doesnt like daddy one bit.

Because of my sister, and my missing fat cat, Milkyway, Yayo is officially spoiled. He's so demanding. Meow this, meow that. And his meowing is so pondan!

He sits anywhere he likes. He pees on anything he likes. Like my EST textbook! It was right in front of my eyes.

Michelle: You know, I always thought Galileo was some kind of God or something. But no, turns out he's a genius mathematician.
Me: No, he's a cat. My cat. Yayo's real name is Galileo. Yayo is his nickname.
Michelle: Why the hell did you name your cat after a mathematician?!

Yeah... dont ask me. It was my dad's idea. All our cats got their names from my genius dad.

I miss Milk so much. He was the best pillow ever.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Amazing Parodies (I'm dead serious)

So I was on youtube, converting hard-to-find songs to audio and downloading them. Came across Punk Goes Pop. Dude, these bands make the original versions sound like cow dung.

Mayday Parade sound a hell lot sexier than the PussyCat Dolls. Haha!

I'm not that big a fan of screamo bands, but hey, Alesana is awesome!

August Burns Red makes Britney Spears sound like a fag. This is just hilarious if you think about it!

A Static Lullaby's insanely dead amazing version of Toxic! It's a threat, Britney...

If your mind works the same way mine does, go check out some more Punk Goes Pop. You'll find all the awesome bands the 'world' dont have time to listen to.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Little Aint So Little No More

Remember this adorable little thing? My baby Castro.

Well, he's all grown now. Not fully-grown, I hope. He's still considered smaller than average-sized dogs.

How's he doing? Oh, I'll tell you this. He's a heck lot of work. I dont know where the hell this boy got his energy from. Like an already active squirrel OD-ed on caffeine.

About the only time he isnt hyper, is when you rub his chest.

He tears everything in his path. Dad's shoes, mom's shoes, Kavan's shirt, my slippers, my shorts. Name it, he marked it.

He's sneaky, too. Whenever we're out, he'd sneak in through the back and stay in the house like he owns the place. When we come home, the laundry just magically appear in front of the gate. We all know it was Castro's work.

What makes me a proud owner, though, is the fact that he's amused by the skateboard :D I brought my board outside one day, and was just going to put on my shoes when mom told me to sweep the veranda and water the plants. Kavan took my board and skate while I was busy. Castro chased after him.

Kavan carried Castro and placed him on the board. Had to rub his chest to calm him down. And I caught it on camera! :D The first time my little Castro got on a skateboard.

Looks like he's a goofy-footer too, aye?

After that day, he was just stoked everytime he sees me skate. He'd want in too. So does Lemon! She wouldnt stand though, she'd lie down. Hahahaha! I love my babies...

Lemon owns that chair xD

OH! I almost forgot. Castro howls like a hunger-stricken wolf. And that's not it. He teaches Lemon how to howl, too! And Lemon is just funny and adorable when she howls. They would sit across each other and howl together xD

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Dysfunctional Siblings

This is what my bro and I do when the camera's battery isnt flat (which doesnt happen very often). And when it did go flat, my phone came to the rescue!

This! is how we define magic ! bro wrapped himself up with the curtain cloth.

Here's a hopping ghost for ya.

This is...err...another ghost. Flying away...

That's the end of the show!

Come back next week, okay? It wont be airing live though, just some more videos from that same day. (yes, we took a lot) I'm too lazy to find the digital camera now. Until next time! :D

Just straight up dysfunctional.

THIS is the amoi I have to live with (-_-''')

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Synyster Gates

World's sexiest guitarist !

Why not, right?

Ho yeah...


He should totally smile more.

I love this guy!


Ahah! Zacky sure is excited.