Saturday, March 7, 2009

12 things I've always wanted to do

1. Lick my elbow; It's a known fact that no one can lick their elbow. Well, at least that's what I know. I fail every single time I try. And dont even get me started on how many times I've tried today. *pause* Oh, heck! *tries to lick elbow* Dammit...
2. Literally kill somebody with a chopstick; Dont ask. I just want to. I know it's a mortal sin to commit murder but hey, if I kill somebody who killed somebody else, then it would mean I'm disposing off evil, right?
3. Land a kickflip; It doesnt help much that I cant even land an ollie anymore. Let along a kickflip or even a 180 for all that matter. I'm practically a deformed child seeing as I cant even touch my own skateboard. It's on top of the cupboard if you're wondering why. My mom suspected I have no self control.
4. Run up to a couple and tell the girl, "Hey, your perverted boyfriend tried to get in my pants lastnight." ; Yeah...I wanted to do that on Valentines this year but well, lets just say plans were cancelled. Somebody was a little too girly and didnt want to go to Spring.
5. Go to Sweden; If you're my bestfriend, you would know why. Our lives revolve around boysss x)
6. Seriously turn bisexual for three hours and realise it's a sin, then, go for confession after; It just sounds like so much fun! :D
7. Mess up an emo boy's hair; Hot. Imagine an emo boy going mad at you. Wow, it's gona be a record in the emo nation.
8. Steal an ucak's hoodie; Boo hoo! Now the only expensive thing on you is probably that damn annoying shuffle skill. If I could just steal that too...
9. Successfully mug the altar boy for his green St. Jo blazer; Geez, just give it to me already. I can give you a peck and only God would know (well, God and whoever this person is who's reading my blog right now). Deal?
10. Go back in time where headhunters still do what they do best; Alright! Off with the Japanese dude's head! (Ray, watch out, Ima chop your head off)
11. Amputate the boy with the red streak in his hair who stole my first kiss; Damn you.
12. Dance around the fire with Indian feathers around my head and a spear in my hand; Bahahahahaha! xD


  1. Lol! Jenni! and yes, you DO have something to do with it. The three of us walking around Sweden and grabbing boys as we go about ;)

  2. aHH!! yes yes yes!! wooh!
    im actually TOUCHED by ur number-5- wna-do in tat list. HAHAHA! I SERIOUSLY LITERALLY wants to go there! ee. HOT GUYS! here we COME! xD
