Friday, March 6, 2009

I feel so mentally challenged

I dont know what to write about. I mean, I dont really remember what happened today. Okay, yeah, we went for mass and we got 2 paper results. Lets just talk about mass, shall we?

I sat at the third row from the front, it was Ray, Pam and I. Only the three of us in that whole row. Yes, only us. I kept turning back tryina look out for Michelle. "Lezban! Where the hec..I mean, where on earth are you?!" Ray and Pam kept laughing at me and shoved it in my face how they had each other. I was talking to Pam and...

Ray: Hey, Phoby! Get your hands off my girl!
Phoebe: Find my girl and I'll let your lezban go! *started pulling Pam's arm*
Ray: *Pulled Pam's shoe lace*
Pam: Hey! My shoe lace! I'm going to Phoebe!

Other than our usual retardation, I didnt get to mug that altar boy at the back of the church. I wanted his green St. Jo blazer so much! (form6 boys in stjo wear green blazers and they're so pretty. the blazer! not the boys.) Aaaaand, girls were going "Phoebe, where does your handsome brother usually sit?" Gosh, give it up already, man. I heard that my bro was rated 'Top 3 hot form 3 boy in St. Jo' I told him about that and he's like "WAuuu." and went on playing his psp. Yash, that my brothah alright.

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