Sunday, March 8, 2009

random conversations

The night before, I kinda took too much cough syrup. was go0o0od! And I was Michael overdosed. Oh so so beautiful! And! I went to check out my long time crush. Gosh, he's sexy as ever! The next morning I came to school looking all messed up.
Ray: Didnt have enough Michael, huh?
Phoebe: No, I had Michael. Too much of him!
Ray: *burst out laughing*
Phoebe: Okay, that sounded wrong a little..

Michelle walked in. We did our usual psychowhackwhack nonsense. When it was finally quiet, I started thinking about Michael. I grinned (more of the Im-so-stoned kind of grin) and stared at Michelle.
Michelle: Are you on crack?
Phoebe: *nods head* I took three kinds of crack lastnight.
Michelle: Phoby! There's only one kind of crack and that's coccaine!
Phoebe: I dont give a crack!

It was English and I sat way at the back with Michelle. Ray was separated from us and she was actually paying attention (it didnt do her any good. you should've seen her when English was over). So, a classmate was up doing her oral and it was about an Iban warrior. It got me thinking about my oral topic. I havent decided yet. Oh! Before I get to my story with this, let me give you a flash from the past...

*dreamy music plays in the background*
Michelle: You know what, you should talk about Michael Castro. Since you know so much about him. And you can sing This Boy to show how obsessed you are about him. That way, the teacher's bound to give you full marks!

Yes...that idea was real go0o0o0od... Anyhoots, back to the story! I thought of an interesting native history for my oral.
Phoebe: Sometimes I wish I was a Red Indian so I can tell people about our legends.
Michelle: Phoby, you're so strange!

In the Physics lab... I had some thinking time to myself. You know those times when you're in the toilet busy doing your business and your head starts wandering off and you think too much but then you eventually made sense? Well, I was having that. Except I was in the lab and not the toilet and I certainly was not doing my business.

Phoebe: Hey, you know what I realized?
Michelle: What?
Phoebe: After remembering all the guys I've crushed on, I realized there's one thing they all have in common.
Ray: What is it?
Phoebe: I love boys who look like Red Indians.
Ray: *laughs her head off*
Michelle: *stares at me in disbelief. turns to Ray* Just when I thought she couldnt get any stranger, she proves me wrong!

Seriously, I cant help it, okay. Red Indians are hot. I dont give a crocodile crap (I've never seen one, I wana see their crap, I'm curious) if they cant speak English; if all they tell me is, "Kasha makurumaka sha" which I dont even know where I heard that from or what it means. I probably just made that one up. Or it could mean, "Come get in my pants." (or cover or leaf, who knows if they still dont wear pants now) But I wont mind. That's how they usually sound like, right? Hot!

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