Sunday, March 15, 2009

Rocket Parrrrrty!
Michelle does a better job at explaining this, go to her blog and read it, okay, kids?
Yah! I am posting it, Michelle! Or Micheal, whatever your guy name is. Cant believe I was Adrian and I thought he was a real guy and Pam was upset that he had a girlfriend and I kept on singing dramatically, repeating his name. "AAAADRIIIIAN! Oh, Adrian! Adrian!"
So, the Rocket Party didnt exactly go as planned. Well, we didnt really plan much except, "Okay, so Michelle's driver is gona pick us up, we're gona have pizza before we do our rocket and then her driver is gona send us back to school..."

Yes, we did eat pizza and then we went to the pc room to check out some water rockets done by people from around the world and uh, lets just say we got distracted :D

Here are the many random and spastic things we did...
(I dont even know where to start!)

We must start with her drinking

Pose with the black billboard!

I'm the next best Power Ranger!

So amused by the faiyah !

Acting like the bitchy boss, are we?

Sara tryina 'pump' the flowers =/

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