Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Sarawakian Desert

I used to joke saying Bintulu is like the African Desert in Sarawak, since I'm always losing weight and getting darker here.

Well, now I'm not even kidding anymore.

The food in campus is getting less. The cafeteria closest to my block have decided to shut down. The foodcourt is now running at night, but it's 2km away from the dorm and the other cafeteria, is, well, in the boys' area. I can't always be walking there since it rains all the time.

There's no clean water either! I thought there was, until I fill up my pail yesterday morning and saw just how much filth there were coming from the pipe. It was as yellow as pee! Oh God, I'm scared to even take a shower now. And did I really just boil pee-like water and made my tea with that?!

Someone please take me away from here. I need to go home to good company, good food and clean water. I can't afford to get sick alone.

Christmas, come quick!

not my hair

Last Friday morning, I had a nightmare. My mum and sis forced me into modelling. Yes, I call that a nightmare. Why? Because the freaking hairdresser cut my beloved bangs to one-inch-short. I was practically an alien with one-inch bangs and boy-short hair. I looked over at mum and she said, "Don't worry! You look great. Even better when your make-up is done! What an edgy look!" Oh please, just shoot me, why don't you?

That wasn't just it, though. The story gets worse...

The hairdresser took her sweet time, making me look even more like an alien, that I was one of the last models to get ready. The director got mad at me and I was dumbstruck. I mean, what about this stupid hairdresser you geniuses hired?

The hairdresser, then, decided to run off to the kitchen, leaving my hair undone. Seconds later, there was a loud argument between the hairdresser and the director's wife. Apparently, the hairdresser was baking cheese cake and burnt it. (How random can you get, right?) But I stuffed my face with that cake anyway, cos come on, I can't resist cheese! It tasted great, by the way. I don't understand the need for an argument.

Aaaand, the director screamed at me and told me to put on my dress and start shooting. Licking my cheese-covered fingers, I stomped into the changing room and wondered if I had to be naked around all the other models just like my sister told me. That's where the dream ended.

You have no idea how glad I was to be back in reality and still have my bangs.

That afternoon, I was called to a photo-shoot to help promote UPM "internationally". I'm sure you know what was running through my mind that day. Irony...

Was asked to do two more shoots this week. Thank God there wasn't any hairdresser today!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

challenge accepted

I'm not the kind of person who gets self conscious about her body. As a matter of fact, I love my body. I wouldn't trade it with anyone else.

I'm grateful that I have a high metabolism rate. I can't get fat, but I lose weight easily. Now that's the frustrating part; losing weight when you're already underweight to begin with!

I keep losing weight lately and I'm not happy about that. Last Sunday, when putting on my skinny jeans, I realized they've gotten a little loose. They used to be perfectly fit, but now they're loose. My skinny jeans, mind you! I don't want my legs to look like sate sticks.

Which explains why I am currently on a weight gain challenge. I'm eating 3 to 4 meals a day, with snacks in between. Never will I let myself skip any dinner. I don't care if I'm "not in the mood to eat", or if I'm "not hungry yet", I will chow everything down.

I thank God for Reyna and her roommate for never listening to me whenever I say, "The rice is too much". They force me to eat it anyway. I'm not allowed to leave any rice on the plate.

I don't over-eat, of course. If I ever do, please know that it was an act of forced gluttony, not by choice.

Now the reason I'm taking this weight gain challenge is because I want to keep at a healthy weight. It's really scary when looking at the scales and seeing the numbers less than 40 kg. I just know that it's not healthy and I certainly don't want to be anorexic.

I guess my main goal is to finally reach a normal BMI. I've been underweight for my entire lifetime, I think it's time I stop being lazy and start eating more. And never be called a starving African kid again. (yes, my mum's colleague actually said that)

My response to Jia Ahn when he brought up obesity

Here's to gaining weight! (healthily)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

I'm stalking... I mean, starving.

Reyna asked me what my favourite love story was and I couldn't think of any. I'm so used to watching movies that made me laugh and long movies that made me think. Never really watched love stories. I mean, Dear John bored me to death. (Okay, it actually annoyed me, because the stupid girl couldn't wait for John and married someone else. Stupid.) And I never watched The Notebook, nor do I ever wish to.

Romantic comedies, yes, but those aren't considered love stories, are they? They make no sense at all. I mean, is that even real?

Anyway, now I think I may have found my favourite. Well, according to the movie itself, it claims to be a story about "boy meets girl" but is "not a love story". I never really understood that part, but, if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm talking about 500 Days of Summer.

Wait, that's not considered a love story, either? Oh well! Who cares. Let's just pretend it is. And it's my favourite. Here's why.

I can relate to both Tom and Summer. Like Tom, when it comes to my expectation of a love life, I'm a hopeless romantic. I like the sappy stuff, hearing a certain song when you think of someone. But in reality, I can relate to Summer in so many ways. Apart from the whole "love doesn't exist, it's a fantasy" thing, I think I'm almost as messed up as she is. Hard to crack.

Okay, I should stop typing now before I make myself sound even more of an idiot than I already have. I should get back to my studies.

Goodbye, now!

I'm not capable

doors of the heart shut and unsound,
tall walls built all around,
questions rise and I began to wonder,
did fear really take over?

these emotions I keep bottled,
disciplined guards of mine never toppled,
they see nothing but the cold side,
when really I belong where I decide.

let the world think I'm not capable,
as a matter of fact, I'm only unable,
there's more to life, I tell myself,
than to fall in love and lose my heart's health.

say if I ever do let my guards down,
and fall even more that I was to drown,
no one would know as I begin to learn,
these secrets will remain secrets that he should earn.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

chillin like a villain

The week is almost over! And it's a bitter-sweet feeling.

One, I'm excited for the weekends, because I don't have to wake up early. Well, except on Sunday, where I'll be going to church. But I love going to church. It's like an adventure. Crossing the busy road with a bunch of UPM students. Hearing screams on every side. Haha..

And on the other hand, I'm a little nervous about Bakti Siswa. What's Mr. Hakim going to make us do? With all the things he's made Zura and I pick up from HEP. Plus, I haven't got to know my buddy yet. All I know is his name, what course he's studying and the fact that he's not exactly from here. I think?

I still have not decided on the three 'important' things I would bring, either!

Oh, well. Let whatever happen, happen. Not like it's the end of the world, yes?

Anyway, I've been pretty sneaky, observing people lately. It's really fun, I have to admit. Look at what I snapped with my phone the other day!

The row of bums behind me

Hilman, the tired grim reaper

Yeah, I listen to music during talks and keep myself entertained by taking pictures of people sleeping. So watch your backs, guys. The next time you fall asleep around me, your face will be here. It's kind of a sport I play...

Since I can't play real sports.

Oh I miss my doggie, Castro! Pray for this brown fella, he's sick.

Please, get better, my big boy.
And don't you dare leave the house compound again!
I will send you for castration if you do.
That's a promise.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

left with no choice

So I was asked to bring three things that I really love, things that are very important to me. Note that these three things should be objects.

I really couldn't think of any. I mean, I don't have a love for objects. I'm not materialistic. I have a love for people, for my family, for children, for animals, and most importantly, for God.

Now, how do I bring these things to the table? Perhaps I could find something that symbolizes each and every one of them. But then, that will bring rise to another problem.

I'd probably be accused of animism, of worshiping objects.

Let's say if I were to put my cross pendant and say, "This symbolizes God."

Everyone in the room would think, "Oh, this poor girl needs help. She worships her necklace!"

Great. I'd even be accused of breaking the first commandment. I wouldn't want that to happen!

Or perhaps I should pretend to be materialistic?

Oh God, no. This is absurd. Why do we need to do this again? I'm probably gonna tell my buddy what I'm bringing. He's gonna know anyway. He'd easily pick them out (I hope).

Till the next BS meeting.

Can't wait to see what's in store for us.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

A little prayer

If or when I have children in the future, I really pray none of them have Scoliosis, like I do.

I don't know if I can be as strong as my mum, watching her child go through surgery and thinking he/she is never going to be normal.

I'm too emotionally fragile for that.

And I can't avoid blaming myself for it. I'd drown myself in guilt.

So, please, O Lord, don't punish them.


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

from a new perspective

Hello, there.

So... A friend of a friend of mine stumbled upon my blog and reminded me the existence of it. Yeah, I know I did post a few days ago, but let's face it, the past few posts have been a little out of context. I think I owe this blog a proper post, so here goes.

Life's been great for me so far. I'm now in my second semester and while things are still very laid back, I enjoy myself, nevertheless. Who doesn't like freedom, right?

Speak of freedom, the unnecessary drama that I kept getting caught up with last semester has subsided because, well, a certain someone has decided to ignore me. And you know what? Thank God! Because I'm great at giving cold shoulders and I can assure you that I won't ever freeze first.

On another note, my back has been killing me lately. I hope it's not getting worse because I really don't want to go through another surgery. I told my mum about it and she told me to drink Anlene. Yeah, I bought Anlene and have been drinking every night despite the fact that it's for 19-40 year-olds and I'm only 18, still. I'm getting pretty addicted to milk now. I feel like a bodybuilder who takes protein shakes every morning to stay fit, except in my condition, my spine won't shrink if I don't exercise.

I've met quite a number of new people lately, mostly from the Catholic Student Society. I go to church with these people and it reminds me so much of my youth group back in Kuching. They're the perfect company to keep. Nothing's better than a family in Christ.

We've got many plans in store for this semester and I have to admit, I'm really stoked! Pray nothing will come in the way because I don't want to miss a thing!

Anyway, it appears that I've worn almost every single proper clothing I had in my closet. Really need to do my laundry today and I sure hope the "Sprinkles" in the weather forecast really mean "tiny drops of rain" and not "raining cows and sheep". I'm running out of clothes to wear! Pretty soon I'll have to settle with baju kurung. But of course, I'll talk Reyna into wearing one, too.

Well, I've to go get ready and head to Physics class soon.

Spread love like fire and God bless!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Keep in mind

Remember when I told you not to fall for me because I would break you? I really wasn't kidding.

I told you about him. You know what happened. And you know how much I despised him and how much of a creep I thought he was and still is. I hope you didn't forget that.

I don't want you to turn out like that, too. I don't want to despise you or be creeped out by you. I respect you too much. You're the big brother I've never had.

Yeah, we joke around a lot, but you, out of everyone else, I thought would never take it the wrong way. I really hope you didn't and please, don't.

Who else is going to look out for me if I had to avoid you?

Friday, November 4, 2011

Just a clue

...of what my bipolar heart actually likes.

And I love voices like Josh Golden's.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

verging on epic

Back at home and I've been feasting on my addiction to Sims 3.

I guess it all started with my new creations, Sage Hunter and Desiree Foster. They were inspired by Matt Bomer and Olivia Wilde, although my sims don't exactly look like those good-looking actors. Not trying to blow my own horns here, but I think my Sage Hunter is extremely hot and I'm going crazy cos I might actually be falling for him.

Sage Hunter; my best looking male creation.

That sexy look on his face when brushing his teeth!

Desiree Foster. She doesn't really wear those glasses.

These two sims live separately. I started off playing with Sage first, getting his skills up and letting him work in the military line. His lifetime wish was to be an astronaut. I let him give it a shot and I just realized how much I love men in uniforms! He started dating Desiree when we found her at the restaurant.

After a while, I left Sage on his own and moved on to Desiree. She was gonna be the CEO of a mega-corporation company. Yeah, I love a girl who could live on her own and dream big. Her lifetime wish came true and not only that, she was a power broker!

Aaaaand...here's how their lives intertwined!

This gentleman got on one knee!

Real men probably don't do this, but Sage really was
daydreaming about the wedding!

I went all out trying to get this wedding done. It had to be perfect! I had a really sweet theme in mind. A little wedding in the evening by the waterfall, with candles under a cherry tree. Only four guests, the Hazard couple and the Avery couple who were their best friends (yeah they're my past creations too).

Can't get over how beautifully romantic this looks

Sage wore his Fighter Pilot uniform
cos I thought it looked sexier than a tux

And here's the wedding dinner by the lake

Mr. and Mrs. Sage Hunter taking their first dance

The sweet newlyweds!

I slept at dawn trying to get pictures of this sweet wedding. Nope, it couldn't wait. I just had to make this wedding happen cos in case you haven't noticed, Sage and Desiree are my latest obsessions!

It doesn't just stop there. They started a family. Oh, wait till you see what their children are like! But I'm not gonna reveal those little creatures yet. Be patient, behave and I might post pictures of them in the next blog post.

Till then!

Oh by the waay! Here's a really funny video of the couple going crazy, dancing after most of the guests have left.

Yeah, I don't know what music they were listening to either...

Hahahahaha! They crack me up. But they've got some moves alright!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

gonna own this day cos I deserve it

So it's my last day in campus, before I leave tomorrow morning for a whole month! Semester is over and I still can't believe it.

I woke up really early this morning to send Reyna, Hani, Aiman, Amir and Anise off. I was so excited for them but gonna miss them terribly! Don't know how many times I've waved and blown kisses at them when they were in the bus. Haha. Now the table's turned.

I'm clearing up my room, doing the laundry and packing my things up today. Getting distracted a lot, though. Like now, for instance, I'm blogging when I'm supposed to be shoving everything in my cupboard. Oh well, got the whole day!

Or do I?

I don't know if the plan of going out with Mack and Angela is still on. But best be getting everything ready by noon!

I'm ignoring my phone for the day, unless of course it's my mum. Can't be bothered to be put down by others. Don't rain on my parade, people. I'm going home and I'm so stoked!

Blasting music in my room like nobody's business. Bahahaha.

Kays, gotta keep on clearing things up now. See ya and God bless!

Friday, October 14, 2011

to you who won't stop

I don't need a man. I'm not interested in you and I'm not interested in relationships. If I say "No" to you now, what makes you think I'll change my mind in the future? Once my mind is made up, it's made up. So please stop trying.

If I ever 'need' a man, I can tell you this, that I only want a man of God, who can bring me closer to Jesus. Who loves Jesus, more than he loves me or any other person. God will be the center of our relationship. Not his wants, not my wants, not his needs, not my needs. God is the center of it, as He should be.

Yeah, I'm difficult, I'll admit that. I have my own views on relationships and you may not like it. Most people, you included, make relationships seem meaningless. I believe it's worth more than just being with someone you have feelings for. You wanna know what I think?

If you're not ready for marriage, then you're not ready for a relationship.

Relationships should lead to marriage, not just be static and unmoved. It should always lead to a better place. If a relationship isn't headed towards marriage, then it should stop. And if a relationship never intended towards marriage, then it never should have happened in the first place.

I know this sounds a tad bit too strong. You might think I'm crazy or cheesy or old fashioned, but this is one of the things I stand for.

I'm standing for something here. Are you?

Monday, October 10, 2011

You best be on your way now

Wrote one just before bed, after a certain someone reminded me how much I don't like it when boys try to get my attention. Here's to you.

All I wanted was to bid farewell,
But I covered all too well.
You couldn't sense it in my voice,
Not in your room, not with all that noise.

Your thoughts bloomed when your heart's doomed.
I'm sorry I'll have to break this.
It isn't easy, you shouldn't be thinking of me,
For you'd just be creating a mess.

Please, I beg, just walk away.
I don't want to cross your mind.
I might just break you when I say,
You never crossed mine.

Friday, October 7, 2011

with all my heart

Hey everyone. I'm halfway through my finals. Sat for four papers this week, three of which were in BM. All the papers were pretty good so far. I've got two more papers to sit for next week. Biology and Chemistry. Can't wait to get everything over and done with. I'll be going home next Sunday. I really miss home. I miss my mum especially.

The entire time I was here, I've been really good at controlling my emotions. I don't cry often but the only times I cried were, well; the first week I was here, that time my dog died and this Tuesday.

My mum called me on Monday night and told me something really sad. I knew she's been sick lately, but last Friday, she called and told me her thighs were swollen and she had to go to the doctor to get a blood test. I've been praying my heart out for her and it was just painful to find out she has thyroid.

Yes, I'm sensitive and bad things make me cry. But whenever it comes to my mum, it hurts the most. My mum is very important to me. She's the one person I love most in my life, right next to Jesus. So when bad things happen to her, it breaks me down.

My mum has gone through so much in her life, she's sacrificed a lot for other people and she neglects herself. So it really broke my heart when this happens.

I'm not mad at God, though. I won't even question Him for this. I know things like this happen, although I don't believe my mum deserves this at all. As much as this hurts me, I know we have hope. I know it with my whole heart that God will place His healing hands on her and pull her out of this, just like He did with everything else before.

"And this small
and temporary trouble we suffer
will bring us a tremendous and eternal glory,
much greater than the trouble."

- II Corinthians 4:17

In His hands, I rest all this. This sickness is out of my hands, but I know I'm working really hard here for my mum. Yes, I'm making my own dream come true, but it's her that I always keep in mind. I'm never going to stop trying to please her and trying to make her happy.

If anyone's ever wonder why I'm always so hard on myself, well, this is the reason why.

I'm not complaining, though. Because of my mum, nothing could ever get me distracted. And if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't even be here. She gives me the freedom to do what I want, but still reminds me to keep my heart and head in the right place. Words can't describe how much my mum means to me.

I'll never stop praying for you, mummy.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

when the reds marched in

Finally got the pictures from dear Nabby!

But before I let you see them, I just have to say that I am glad everything is over now. Yesterday was a really long day and I managed to pull through. We did our final (really, our last one for this sem) presentation this morning and I am so proud of Tasha and Nad for doing such great jobs up there. All I have to do now is complete our report, hand it in and voila! No more distractions!

Anyway, here are the pictures from the 16th September event. There were way too many pictures, so I chose the ones that made me laugh. Also, the ones of me wearing cheong sam, cos my mum wants to see them! Our theme was Chinese. So yeah, be prepared for lots of red!

Making faces cos we're too school for cool

Simba! Before his haircut...

Mai's descendants! (sort of)

Watching the slipper-throwing competition

And tongues all around!

Daryl being the "silent killer" behind Reyna.
I can't stop laughing at how funny his expression was!

Going with the wind!

And at night, we had to perform and act on stage. We were so many things but let the pictures speak for themselves.

Priceless expressions!

Phen, Shevani and I wearing cheong sams!

Mai looked so adorable!

Reyna and Tasha practicing "tai chi"

Aiman, my brother from another mother.

Teehee, Byan. Goodbye, now!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

wait, no, what?

Waddup... (Hahahaha did I really just say that?)

It's that time of the month for me. Today's my first day. I went out to PCM and my uterus has been killing me all day long. Sucks that I can't drink cold stuff cos the strawberry milkshake was so tempting! Amir had one...with black pearls! Argagagagaaa.

My body is just one big mess right now and I'm not sure what it wants. Like just now, when we were walking back to our dorms...

Reyna: Let's have dinner together later. But I'm not that hungry. Are you hungry?
Me: I'm not sure. My uterus is confusing me.
Reyna: Haha! Did you hear that, Hani? Her uterus is confusing her.

But yeah, it really is. I wasn't sure if I was hungry since the cramp was overpowering everything else in my body. I just ate noodle and had hot tea a while ago, though. So my stomach won't get upset and start secreting gastric juices to seek revenge.

Ah, why can't we all just get along?

I had a really good day, though. No PMS, surprisingly. I was actually a very happy cow these past few days. I get excited over little things. We were at the campus field this evening. Jia Le and Jason flew their kite. Reyna wanted in. Hani and I just laid on grass. I pretended to paint the cloudy sky. And when it got a bit darker, I pretended to cast spells and struck lightning. Hahaha! T'was fun!

Too bad my phone was dying, I couldn't take pictures. But here's a picture of Reyna, Hani and I during lunch.

Took a picture of Aiman and Amir right after this one was taken, but their picture wasn't saved. Too bad, so sad :(

But here's Aiman, advertising my headband.
You won't see this on lame Facebook!

I love these people oh so much. Can't find them elsewhere! Oh my golly gosh! My mum just sent me an MMS and it's a picture of a little brown kitten on her lap.

She just told me that it's ours. Holy kabooki, mother of all goats, somebody please send me home right this second! I'm literally screaming in my room right now!

Oh, it's a kucing kutip! A stray kitty that kept running to my mum and sis when they were at the supermarket! I hope they keep it. There would be more creatures for me to come home to. Haha! And it looks a lot like our last kitten, Kiki. But Kiki was a sad case, she died a sudden death when she was still that little. So, if we're keeping this kitty, mummy better bring it for check-up. At least my Fifa has a friend at home (but this kitty is gonna be Fifa's toy for the first few months. Haha!)

Oh, I'm so excited I can't even suggest names for it! Can't wait to go home now! Two weeks better go by quick!

and everybody gets their way

We had our block dinner tonight, along with the boys of Block B. I hate not having a camera. I only managed to take pictures with my phone. Even so, these were the only ones I took cos I was too lazy, having to put up the settings every time.

I had to crop Jia Le out of this picture cos she hated it.

Here we go! Finally, a decent picture with the girl.

Angela, my sister from another mister.
Who is also, my polygamist husband's last wife! (so he says)

Back in my room! So exhausted, I looked high.
And yeah, the picture is blurry. You're not high, don't worry!

I was on Facebook a while ago and saw my mum's post on my wall. I didn't understand it at first, but then I read it over and over again. Oh God, was mummy trying to comment on my last status??

Haha! My sweet sweet mother xD

Oh yes, I'm still waiting on sweet Nabby to send me the pictures of the 16th September event. Our little Chinese affair. Ha! Will be posting those pictures once I get them.

Till then!

Love you all and God bless!

Friday, September 23, 2011

flying cats

Classes are over!

Well, we've got two presentations next week but that's about it. I slept for four hours yesterday, in the afternoon, right after our last class ended. That was a really good one. I was so disoriented, I woke up wondering what year it was. We didn't go to the field, like we promised we would. Haha!

What am I really looking forward to? Well, right now, I'd really love to fly my kite! Mack was so sweet to go out and buy me a kite a few days ago cos I was upset about Mr Tummy's death and all I wanted was to fly a kite but didn't know where to get one. And if I did get one for myself, it probably wouldn't look as cool as this!

I laid next to it, and it's about my body size!

The kite festival just started in Bintulu. I can't wait to go!

Oh heavens, I just found Mama drinking rain water in front of the bathroom. Took her in to give her proper water and now she's meowing for attention. Sometimes she bites and scratches, sometimes she wants you to hold her. What a funny Siamese cat!

Look at her, all cross-eyed!

Ever since the death of Tummy, we've only got two cats in our room. Mama and Eh-Eleh. The two blue-eyed cats. They don't get along but that's great. I know now how to discipline the naughty and fearless Eh-Eleh now. Haven't seen Abang cos he has been chasing female cats lately.

Well, I should stop talking about my kite and campus cats now. Pretty sure you're all sick of reading about this. Ha! But you're in MY blog now so who cares what you think. Bahahaha!

Alright, I should get on with my outside-internet life. God bless everyone!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

the cold side

What's it gonna take for you to stop?
Need I scream?
Why don't you get the picture?
I'm here to make my biggest dream come true.
No where in that dream did boys ever interfere.

So God help me, I will start screaming out my thoughts if you won't give up.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

a falling out we won't tiptoe about

A series of unexpected things happened this week. I felt like a psychopath. One second, I'm happy and the next, I'm weeping, next second I'm laughing, and then I'm wailing. Going insaaaaane!

Let's start off with the sad case of our missing Mr Tummy McBelly. A senior told me that he died on Tuesday. I was so shocked and I wailed and screamed in my room. Walked out the door and wailed again. It was a really sad moment and my mum didn't understand. She texted me saying, "Don't jiwang2 there la pip."

Mummy, you should be grateful I only cry over animals and not boys.

I miss you already, Tummy. You'll always be the best fat cat in the world! :'(

Moving on to more happy things, my English oral presentation is finally done! Our lecturer was so impressed by our presentations that he decided to make an example out of our class. I don't mean to brag, but wow, I'm so proud of my coursemates! Especially the ones who gave it a shot even when their English was poor. You guys did a good job!

Yesterday was Malaysia Day and oh my cow, was it a busy day for us here in UPM! Out of exhaustion, I kept shouting, "It's 16th of September, I'm supposed to have a holiday!" I don't know how you guys did it back in the peninsular side, but here... we sit back and relax.

So many events yesterday though, that I got a slight fever in the afternoon after being exposed to the rain in the morning. Which explains why I didn't go for the motivational talk that everyone said was 'fun'. Haha. Then we had to dress up and perform at night. I was wearing a cheongsam lastnight because our course's theme was Chinese.

"I look so Chinese!"

"You are Chinese!"

"Only a quarter!"

Too bad I don't have pictures on my phone. We had so much fun lastnight, though. Proud of Reyna for going on stage and doing her part of the performance! Our course got third place, over all, even though we weren't really serious about everything. Haha! My favourite part was when we completed our performance and immediately screamed backstage.

Still happy about how it all went down.
(moments before I fell asleep in Reyna's room lastnight)

Forgot how tired I was. Good thing I remembered to wash off the eye make-up. I would've woken up looking like a panda! But pandas are cool, too. They're black, they're white and they're Asian. Hahaha!

That's all for now. God bless everyone and remember to spread love like fire!